
This guy is awe­some, I nev­er felt so amaz­ing and had the best mas­sage ever. I can’t wait to go back.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/27/2019 By: Anto­nio, San Diego, CA

I had a per­fect mas­sage and he took his time and gave more atten­tion to places I need­ed it. I felt incred­i­ble after my appoint­ment and will be book­ing again„ soon!. Easy to park in the day­time, & clean, wel­com­ing mas­sage area.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/23/2019 By: Zsolt, San Diego, CA

The room is very pleas­ant and Logan takes care of every­thing. I did not feel lost for a moment. The mas­sage is pro­fes­sion­al and very relax­ing. His rou­tine pro­ce­dure is well coor­di­nat­ed, step by step and leads to a com­plete revi­tal­iza­tion and relief. It was a great experience!

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/27/2019 By: Chris­t­ian R, Wichi­ta, Kansas

I am from out of town and I was a lit­tle skep­ti­cal about this appoint­ment. As soon as I arrived how­ev­er, Logan greet­ed me in his calm con­fi­dent way his wel­com­ing well kept treat­ment room was very reas­sur­ing. The mas­sage was fan­tas­tic and he fre­quent­ly asked if the pres­sure was ok and if I was ok. He has great hands, knew exact­ly where my ten­sion were and used a vari­ety of tech­niques to work every­thing out. The entire expe­ri­ence was pro­fes­sion­al, excit­ing and effec­tive. I am def­i­nite­ly book­ing again when I am back in town.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/07/2018 By: David S, San Diego, CA

Exact­ly as described, Logan gives gen­er­ous­ly to his mas­sage. If you ever had a good mas­sage before you know that he knows what he is doing. Every aspect of his car­ing touch is notice­ably pas­sion­ate. Where he touch­es and what he touch­es are apart of the relax­ation and the excite­ment that makes for a excel­lent mas­sage. Logan is the real deal.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/24/2018 By: Jeff P, San Diego, CA

Ok…. So I was real­ly ner­vous about meet­ing Logan and get­ting a mas­sage… Logan was so accom­mo­dat­ing, friend­ly, and pro­fes­sion­al. I felt at ease with him from the start. He asked what areas he need­ed to con­cen­trate on. I told him it was my neck and left shoul­der that were tight and tense and he was able to relax the mus­cle and myself to make it so it didn’t feel like a huge knot and unable to move my head towards the left. The place was clean smelled good. It had a great ambiance and ener­gy. I would High­ly Rec­om­mend Logan to any­one want­i­ng a mas­sage. He deliv­ers every­thing stat­ed on his web­site and more. Give him a go. You won’t be sorry.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/07/2018 By: Dan­ny, San Diego, CA

I read sev­er­al of the reviews and was impressed, and had to give Logan a visit.
He did not dis­ap­point, he caters to your com­fort lev­el, very clean, gen­er­ous, and tal­ent­ed. He helps you if any­thing expand your hori­zons of curiosity.
The mas­sage is excel­lent! High­ly rec­om­mend, will def­i­nite­ly see him again.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/06/2018 By: D, Carls­bad, CA

OMG! That was a mas­sage. I already had a table, he brought every­thing thing else he need­ed. Now I am total­ly spoiled when it comes to mas­sages. I was real­ly impressed with his pro­fes­sion­al­ism. He is clean cut, all busi­ness, total­ly pre­pared. I am always reluc­tant to have some­body over. Could tell on the phone he was a nice guy, soft spo­ken, trust­wor­thy. He showed up on time and was very easy to be with. I did not feel threat­ened or uneasy with him. He was just super nice. The way he car­ried him­self, you could tell he has giv­en so many mas­sages that it has become sec­ond nature for him to know what needs the most atten­tion. Like every great masseuse, you get to just lay there and let them do their mag­ic. It was awe­some. I am going to have to do this every month. I deserve it!

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/06/2018 By: C,

High­ly rec­om­mend Logan Sky­lark mas­sage! I have had count­less mas­sages over the last 20+ years from mul­ti­ple ther­a­pists and I’ve learned a lot about what makes a good mas­sage. In par­tic­u­lar, I watch for how well the ther­a­pist can “read” the client dur­ing the ses­sion and adjust for tech­nique, depth, speed, or oth­er fac­tors as need­ed by the client. Logan is excel­lent at this. He is strong yet sen­si­tive, and under­stands (& knows how to apply) the “art” of mas­sage. In my ses­sion with him, I was specif­i­cal­ly want­i­ng to expe­ri­ence a first-time prostate mas­sage. While it was plea­sur­able, it wasn’t what I antic­i­pat­ed it would be like. Per­haps it was my anato­my, or that it was need­ing to take a greater per­cent­age of the allow­able time to get me to ful­ly relax into it. Regard­less of what did or didn’t go as intense­ly as expect­ed, the over­all out­come was still wor­thy of a 5‑star review. Thank you, Logan!

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/10/2017 By: Michael, San Diego, CA

I’m not one for writ­ing reviews. How­ev­er, I felt the ser­vice received from Logan was so excep­tion­al that it war­rants one. I have been to quite a few masseurs who’s loca­tions were out of their home. But none so wel­com­ing, clean, well lit, right down to the aro­ma, com­fort­able on all points. Logan has an amaz­ing knowl­edge of touch, tech­nique and pres­sure. I was very sat­is­fied with how my body felt after. He is so atten­tive to detail, I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised with all the extras, I had not expe­ri­enced before. He start­ed with a pow­der bath fol­lowed by a warm damp tow­el to prep my skin. He used organ­ic cream. The dry tow­el at the end was warm. I pre­fer to leave the lotion on, but he did offer a show­er. Logan is real easy to look at. I would high­ly rec­om­mend his ser­vice. Mas­sage for me is a lux­u­ry and I’ll have to bud­get to expe­ri­ence it, but it was well worth the treat­ment I received. His web­site has rel­e­vant basic infor­ma­tion that helped me feel con­fi­dent in sched­ul­ing a ses­sion. I now know who I can go to that will get me back to feel­ing relaxed and reset. Peace

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/17/2017 By: Lloyd, Oxnard, CA

Best hands I’ve ever felt. Mas­sage room is very Zen. He can go as deep as you need him to go. Total­ly enjoy­able and sat­is­fy­ing experience.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/09/2017 By: Rob
Logan is the best! When I am in need of a good, deep, pen­e­trat­ing mas­sage, I call on Logan. I melt under his hands to the point I go into a trance and let him do what he need to with my body. Nev­er dis­ap­point­ed or feel­ing rushed.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/14/2016 By: Art

Very pro­fes­sion­al! Asks about prob­lem areas and goes to work. Didn’t feel rushed, he asks how you’re feel­ing through­out the process. 100% sat­is­fied! Will def­i­nite­ly make anoth­er appoint­ment again.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/17/2016 By: Will, San Diego, CA

Logan gave me an amaz­ing mas­sage! I have had a lot of mas­sages and his was one of the best. The entire time, I felt like he not only enjoyed what he was doing, but that his pri­ma­ry goal was to make me feel good. He is very pro­fes­sion­al and friend­ly and I high­ly rec­om­mend him. I can­not wait for my next experience!’

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/16/2015 By: Kyle

Just had my first male mas­sage. Logan made me feel com­fort­able from the start.
I’m 50 some­thing and a few extra pounds and I felt free with him. Logan was very accom­mo­dat­ing, I got every­thing I need­ed from him. Great touch, nice body, and a very com­fort­able room. I am going back for more. Soon!
Thanks Logan”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/17/2015 By: Anonymous

Com­ments: Amaz­ing mas­sage. He has a great per­son­al­i­ty and the place is clean and very com­fort­able. I will see him again and again.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/26/2015 By: Anonymous

Absolute­ly the most amaz­ing erot­ic mas­sage. Blew me away with his touch!!!!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/14/2015 By: Alex, San Diego, CA

Logan is a very nice guy with a pret­ty clean and sweet mas­sage stu­dio. He is pro­fes­sion­al at skills and be very con­sid­er­ate and car­ing for cus­tom’s feel­ing. He def­i­nite­ly knows my needs and I had such a nice expe­ri­ence there. I will def­i­nite­ly go next time”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/26/2015 By: Anonymous

Logan has an inten­si­ty and a heal­ing touch. I enjoyed my expe­ri­ence with him because it was exact­ly what I need­ed and he knew how to tai­lor our time togeth­er. The show­er at the end was the per­fect touch. I will be returning.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/23/2015 By: Tom, Alpine, CA

Logan was an absolute dream expe­ri­ence! Very atten­tive and com­plete­ly focused on You! I can say with­out any reser­va­tion, I will be revis­it­ing this masseur again!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/16/2015 By: The Last Minute Book­er, San Diego, CA

I have lost track of the num­ber of times I have seen Logan. He is soft spo­ken, very pleas­ant to be with, rather qui­et and has he knows what to do and won­der­ful skills to deliv­er exact­ly what you need. The mas­sage space is well appoint­ed and quite serene. His loca­tion offers easy park­ing and is in a respectable neigh­bor­hood. Do your­self a favor and make an appoint­ment with Logan.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/03/2015 By: Joshua, San Diego, CA

This was an incred­i­bly relax­ing mas­sage, full body. Great acces­si­bil­i­ty, friend­ly, and pos­sess­ing an intu­itive touch, Logan cer­tain­ly knows what he’s doing. I’ll def­i­nite­ly be returning”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/14/2015 By: Rami, San Jose, CA

He is such a Good per­son & I feel real­ly good . Look­ing to do that every week , I sug­gest­ed every­body who need to feel good to see Logan . Thanks Logan for today . I real­ly appreciate”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/13/2015 By: Anonymous

Logan is the best actu­al masseur I’ve had to date. Great pres­sure, atten­tive and found all the right spots! The place was spot­less and invit­ing. Way bet­ter than I expect­ed. Def­i­nite­ly going to book him again.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/11/2015 By: Eric, San Diego, CA

The mas­sage expe­ri­ence with Logan is tru­ly remarkable.

From his loca­tion that is easy to get to and has ample park­ing, to his stu­dio which is com­fort­able, relax­ing, clean and invit­ing, to his per­son­al­i­ty that is warm and friend­ly — all aspects are top-notch.

The mas­sage itself — just amaz­ing. The per­fect pace, per­fect amount of pres­sure, the right focus…hard to describe, won­der­ful to expe­ri­ence. You leave his stu­dio (reluc­tant­ly), know­ing that you had a great massage.

I high­ly rec­om­mend you go find out for your­self. I’m def­i­nite­ly look­ing for­ward to my next appoint­ment with Logan.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/08/2015 By: Impressed La Mesa Gen­tle­man, La Mesa, CA

Logan was fan­tas­tic. He is hand­some, car­ing and con­tin­u­al­ly asked how I was doing, How is the pres­sure, are you warm enough? I can­not say how much bet­ter I feel and relaxed. I will def­i­nite­ly be see­ing Logan again. His facial expres­sions are priceless.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/24/2015 By: Aaron, San Diego, CA

This was my first time get­ting a mes­sage I was made to feel com­fort­able from the time arrived until I left. The atmos­phere was immac­u­late, com­fort­able and relax­ing. Logan is extreme­ly pro­fes­sion­al & goes out of his way to pay spe­cial atten­tion to mak­ing even a first time client very com­fort­able. The entire expe­ri­ence was AMAZING & much more than I even dared to expect. I can not say enough good things. I will be back soon. Thank you! :-)”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/02/2015 By: Anonymous

Sim­ply put, Logan’s mas­sage is amaz­ing start to fin­ish. It would be an under­state­ment to say that he pro­vides a full ser­vice mas­sage. Even though it is at his apart­ment, he has a beau­ti­ful mas­sage room and that is com­fort­able and wel­com­ing. Logan him­self is warm and friend­ly. He has a unique way of relax­ing you and mak­ing you feel at home. His hands are incred­i­ble! Thanks for every­thing, Logan — I slept like a baby the night of the massage! =)”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/01/2015 By: Luis, San Diego, CA

I’ve seen Logan a cou­ple of times while on hol­i­day in San Diego. He has deliv­ered every time, using a firm touch while still cov­er­ing Swedish tech­nique pres­sure. He remem­bers my pres­sure pref­er­ence and has out­stand­ing cus­tomer ser­vice even though I see him every ten months or so. A warm smile, invit­ing ambiance, and extreme­ly per­son­able — I high­ly rec­om­mend the expe­ri­ence and I intend to keep book­ing appoint­ments when I am in the area.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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12/07/2014 By: Anonymous

I rather enjoyed the expe­ri­ence. It was very sooth­ing and relieved a lot of ten­sion I had in my back among oth­er places. He was very polite and accom­mo­dat­ing and would def­i­nite­ly go for a return visit.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/13/2014 By: Jere­mi­ah, San Diego, CA

Most amaz­ing mas­sage ever. Very thor­ough and atten­tion to detail. Didn’t feel rushed just made to total­ly relax and enjoy the expe­ri­ence. High­ly recommended.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/16/2014 By: Anonymous

Logan is the best, very pro­fes­sion­al, the room is com­fort­able and he knows how to make your stress dis­ap­pear. I feel bet­ter than I have in a long time. I cant wait to see him again, I’m glad I made the appoint­ment. FYI, the 90 minute ses­sion is so worth it”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/20/2014 By: Anonymous

Logan is an absolute mas­ter of tak­ing the stress out of your body and mind. He imme­di­ate­ly makes you feel com­fort­able and relaxed. I will be vis­it­ing him again to be unwound completely.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/16/2014 By: Lee in San Diego, CA

Logan made me feel com­fort­able and wel­come from the moment I showed up. He was very patient and atten­tive, being sure I was hap­py with the mas­sage. This guy has a beau­ti­ful mind, body, and spir­it. It was an extra bonus see­ing all those won­der­ful freck­les and his fiery red hair!
I was very hap­py see­ing Logan, and look for­ward to going again!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/16/2014 By: Anonymous

Logan was one of the best, most respect­ful and tal­ent­ed mas­sage ther­a­pist that I’ve ever been to. From the time I walked in I felt relaxed, he is very wel­com­ing. The length of the mas­sage was per­fect and not rushed. His hands were fan­tas­tic with just the right amount of pres­sure. I can’t wait for my next visit!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/10/2014 By: Bob, San Diego, CA

My first mas­sage expe­ri­ence with Logan was real­ly excep­tion­al. He is friend­ly, warm, engag­ing and has mag­ic hands. Real­ly put me at ease imme­di­ate­ly and went to work reliev­ing my stress and knots. He worked my back, neck, legs and feet, as well as all over, and I was very relaxed at the end of the mas­sage. Was able to show­er off the lotion from the mas­sage after­wards and I can high­ly rec­om­mend him!!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/02/2014 By: Frankie, San Diego, CA

Over­all rat­ing is actu­al­ly 10 on a 1–5 scale. What a delight, Logan made me feel relaxed imme­di­ate­ly espe­cial­ly with the neck rub and hot tow­el on low­er (aching) back. A hand­some man that gave me an mas­sage that I will remem­ber for a long time.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/22/2014 By: Anonymous

If you’re look­ing for a pro­fes­sion­al mas­sage in a clean, dis­creet envi­ron­ment then I would high­ly rec­om­mend Logan Sky­lark. I’ve tried many mas­sage ther­a­pists around San Diego and none left me feel­ing as great and ener­gized as Logan.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/20/2014 By: Anonymous

Amaz­ing mas­sage– left feel­ing reju­ve­nat­ed! Can’t say enough good things! Do your­self a favor and book a mas­sage now!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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12/01/2013 By: msan92037, San Diego, CA

After ses­sion felt very revi­tal­ized. He hit all the right spots and did not feel rushed out of there. Very much worth the money.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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12/28/13 By: Anonymous
“Logan is great with his hands and knows exact­ly what the client needs are. Best mas­sage I’ve ever had from being to end. He pro­vides ameni­ties for before and after your session.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/19/2013 By: Brave-Heart, Hous­ton, TX

Best mas­sage expe­ri­ence EVER, Logan knew exact­ly what I want­ed and needed.…without me ask­ing! Very kind and attentive.…can’t wait for anoth­er, next time I’m in San Diego!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/01/2013 By: msan92037
“After ses­sion felt very revi­tal­ized. He hit all the right spots and did not feel rushed out of there. Very much worth the money.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/28/2013 By: Jon
“Great­est Mas­sage Ever! I had just returned from a long trip and my back was a mess. Logan was just what I need­ed! The appoint­ment was not rushed, he checked in with me and man — his hands are AWESOME! The foot mas­sage was unbe­liev­able. It real­ly topped off the mas­sage per­fect­ly. Logan is great. He’s adorable and puts you at ease imme­di­ate­ly. I zoned off dur­ing the mas­sage and went to the best place. Can’t say enough about Logan and his tech­nique. Trust me you’ll love your mas­sage with Logan and you’ll be relaxed for days! I’ve seen Logan a few times and he comes through with a great mas­sage every time! He is wel­com­ing and makes you feel relaxed. It’s worth it!!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/05/2013 By: Mark

Wow! I had a great expe­ri­ence with Logan. He touched me in ways that I have not been touched before. His hands and pres­sure were per­fect. he con­sis­tent­ly checked in to make sure the pres­sure was right. I can not rec­om­mend him enough. I am look­ing for­ward to my next visit.with him. I spent 90 min­utes on his table, and I loved every sec­ond. The mutu­al touch was sooo good. He made me com­fort­able from the moment I walked through the door.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/08/2013 By: Anonymous

I could­n’t have been more pleased with my expe­ri­ence. Logan was sur­pris­ing­ly in tune with what I would enjoy. This was my first time vis­it­ing Logan. I don’t think it will be my last.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/02/2013 By: Anonymous

Sec­ond time see­ing Logan. He has every­thing set­up per­fect­ly! His tech­niques are awe­some and he always asks “how are you doing ? ” I’m assum­ing he asks just see if you want more pres­sure or less?? Either way, his mas­sages were awe­some… Like being in heav­en­ly bliss.”
Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/08/2013 By: Tom

I final­ly made an appoint­ment with Logan and real­ized I should not have wait­ed so long! I had a great time. His home is so clean and com­fort­able. Like being in a pri­vate spa. I booked 90 min and wished it could have been longer. I was real­ly pleas­ant­ly sur­prised with the prostate mas­sage. That was great! Logan knows what he is doing. I will be back. He is so nice to be with and very nice to look at.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/29/2013 By: David

It was super easy to sched­ule my appoint­ment. Excel­lent ded­i­cat­ed mas­sage room with a spa like atmos­phere. Extra­or­di­nary mas­sage with won­der­ful sen­su­al ele­ments. Logan is a down to earth, sweet, sexy ther­a­pist. This was every­thing you are look­ing for and more from a legit­i­mate mas­sage through an erot­ic expe­ri­ence includ­ing full body nude stroking and prostate mas­sage. I was in heav­en. Thanks Logan, you are amazing.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/26/2012 By: Anonymous

Logan gives an awe­some mas­sage. I imme­di­ate­ly felt com­fort­able by his friend­li­ness and the warmth of the envi­ron­ment. He used the per­fect amount of pres­sure, yet also checked in with me. I felt great after­wards and I am look­ing for­ward to my next appointment.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/03/2012 By: Brian

Logan is a mas­ter at his pro­fes­sion. He is wel­com­ing. He made me feel instant­ly at ease, and he pro­vides a var­ied touch and tech­nique to make the mas­sage both ther­a­peu­tic and sen­su­al. He used his entire body to work every inch of me and left me feel­ing the ecsta­sy of his awe­some approach. After years of mas­sage at the hands of oth­ers, it is clear that Logan is the best I have expe­ri­enced. I can­not wait until my next vis­it to San Diego to be under his capa­ble hands. With Logan, you are the can­vass and he is the mas­ter artist!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/21/2012 By: Andy

From the first con­tact on the phone to the end of my ses­sion, Logan was a class act! He was very easy to talk to (and not bad to look at either). He was flex­i­ble in set­ting up my appoint­ment. When I arrived he made me feel very com­fort­able and asked me through­out the mas­sage how I was doing. Logan is not only trained, he is gift­ed at what he does. This was one of the nicest mas­sage expe­ri­ences I’ve had. He also pro­vid­ed a show­er, tow­els and toi­letries after­ward, which is a huge plus. If you haven’t tried Logan, you need to.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/06/2012 By: Mike

Logan is a superb masseur. From the moment of walk­ing in, he is friend­ly, cour­te­ous and pro­fes­sion­al. He inquired about any par­tic­u­lar prob­lem areas, and addressed them superbly. He made me feel relaxed, and checked sev­er­al times to make sure that the expe­ri­ence was all that I want­ed it to be. He is hand­some, well built, and a real plea­sure to spend time with. I would high­ly rec­om­mend Logan with­out hesitation.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/18/2012 By: Dan

This was my first vis­it with Logan and I have to say he gives an excep­tion­al erot­ic mas­sage. He exceed­ed all my expec­ta­tions. His space is clean and com­fort­able. Logan greet­ed me at the door with a warm smile and I was wowed by his mag­nif­i­cent body. I felt right at home from the begin­ning to the end. Logan is friend­ly with an easy demeanor. I high­ly rec­om­mend Logan and look for­ward to see­ing him again. Thanks Logan for a great massage!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/01/2012 By: Anonymous

A very pro­fes­sional mas­sage envi­ron­ment. I had a hor­ri­ble, low­er back pain & was delight­ed to have no pain fol­low­ing the mas­sage. High­ly recommended!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/20/2012 By: Anonymous

I read the pre­vi­ous reviews about this masseur and con­vinced me to give him a try. The reviews were more than accu­rate. Logan uses a vari­ety of mas­sage tech­niques based on the clients’ needs and is extreme­ly tal­ent­ed. His stu­dio was immac­u­late, a mas­sage table with a face plate which I pre­fer due to my bad neck, a beau­ti­ful tran­quil­iz­ing water­fall in the stu­dio, and the per­fect music to help with relax­ing. The room tem­per­a­ture was set for a bliss­ful expe­ri­ence. Logan met all my needs and then some. I left stress free with all of the knots mas­saged away. A 10 plus for this masseur and I am now a reg­u­lar client.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/30/2012 By: B.A.

He is GOOD. What else can I say? All his reviews seem to get 5/5 rat­ings and for a rea­son; his “Spa” is cute and clean, he tech­ni­cal­ly knows what he is doing (both mas­sage wise and erot­i­cal­ly), and he puts you at ease. Total­ly rec­om­mend him.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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I have gone to a male masseur a few times in my life. Hands down Logan was the best. He is very invit­ing and makes sure at all times you are com­fort­able and relax­ing. He did not rush and made sure that it was about the expe­ri­ence, def­i­nite­ly not a clock watch­er. When he felt more ten­sion he worked on that area until it com­plete­ly relaxed. On top of that when we were done he got a hot show­er ready for me with my own tow­els and toi­letries to make sure that I could clean any oils off and be ready for the rest of my day. I can­not wait to spend anoth­er 2 or more hours with him soon.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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OMG, the mas­sage was PHENOMENAL!!!!! I enjoyed every minute of it. Since you don’t see his face in the pic­tures he post­ed, I was won­der­ing whether he was hand­some or not, and WOW, he is real­ly hand­some! His place is clean and qui­et. He asked me through­out the mas­sage to make sure I was relaxed. His mas­sage tech­nique kept me anx­ious­ly wait­ing his next move. He is a real­ly nice guy and i can’t wait until my next session.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/10/2012 By: E from San Diego, Ca

My mas­sage with Logan was a real­ly good expe­ri­ence! His studio/setup was real­ly nice, warm and com­fort­able and clean. His tech­nique was incred­i­ble. Good pres­sure hit­ting all the right spots. He was­n’t rushed at all, and you could tell he has good ener­gy. My orig­i­nal appoint­ment was for 60 mins, but it was feel­ing so good, I extend­ed for the 90! Top notch all the way.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 4.5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 4.5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 4.5 stars
Ambiance: 4.5 stars

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02/25/2012 By: Big D, Cres­cen­ta, Ca

Won­der­ful! Sched­ul­ing an appoint­ment was easy. Good set up in his apart­ment, very clean, order­ly and warm. The mas­sage was var­ied and felt out­stand­ing. It was a per­fect mix of ther­a­putic and very sen­su­al. And Logan is very attrac­tive and with a hot body. I’ll be back for more and would high­ly rec­om­mend Logan.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/08/2012 By: Anonymous

What an awe­some mas­sage expe­ri­ence. Logan was great — his stu­dio/set-up was clean and com­fort­able. He’s a good look­ing guy with a nice body. And his mas­sage tech­nique was sec­ond-to-none. My appoint­ment was sched­uled for an hour, but I was feel­ing so good, I extend­ed it to 90 min­utes while on the table! I’ll def­i­nite­ly be going to Logan again.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/02/2012 By:Anonymous

Logan was busi­nesslike and col­lect­ed while I made my appoint­ment. I got in on a week­day morn­ing with an hour notice. Every­thing was pro­fes­sion­al; clean, warm, pure calm and com­fort. Con­ver­sa­tion was at a min­i­mum and we got on with my sen­su­al Swedish mas­sage. I swear this man’s hands found mus­cles in my back and legs that I nev­er knew exist­ed. Today, the fol­low­ing day, I’m still relaxed; tin­gling about my back, legs, arms, every­where, and the lotion he used has my skin as soft and smooth as my wife’s. Please don’t tell her.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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12/15/2011 By:

Arrived to a very nice clean place. he has a pri­vate room for mas­sage. we dis­cussed any prob­lem areas then pro­ceed­ed to undress and start the mas­sage. (yes he was nude too) I will say he was very cute and easy on the eyes. He start­ed on the upper back and it was awe­some. he con­tin­ued to the low­er back. i will say his mas­sag­ing of my legs and but­tocks was the best i have ever had. We turned over and he com­plet­ed the front side with com­plete sat­is­fac­tion. Did i men­tioned he was cute? I will return for many more massages.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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12/03/2011 By: Anonymous

I’ve tried a few ther­a­pists in San Diego, but Logan by far is the best! I will def­i­nite­ly be going back.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/02/2011 By:

Since May of this year, I have become Logan’s reg­u­lar client, at lease twice a month. The mas­sage stu­dio is super clean with great scent and soft music. His won­der­ful hand with mag­ic touch total­ly relax my stress body. He’s an amaz­ing­ly hot guy and superb skills. Thanks Logan, your won­der­ful tech­nique and sen­su­al and per­fect touch­es make me to come back again and again.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/26/2011 By: Fly­boy, San Diego, Ca

Best mas­sage I have ever had. Every mus­cle got exact­ly the right atten­tion. I was so relaxed after that I could bare­ly get off the table. Will def­i­nite­ly repeat”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/19/2011 By: Cal­i­Trans­plant, Galt, Ca
“This was an awe­some mas­sage. It was every­thing that was described in the ad… and more. Logan is a great masseur and I will def­i­nite­ly be going back to him.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/18/2011 By: Rob, San Diego, Ca

A won­der­ful com­bi­na­tion of ther­a­peu­tic and erot­ic mas­sage ele­ments in a very friend­ly envi­ron­ment. It’s obvi­ous that Logan loves what he does and he does it well. You won’t be disappointed.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/07/2011 By: Joe­hik­er, San Diego, Ca

Logan met me at the door and I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised how pro­fes­sion­al he was. He ensured that I was relaxed and com­fort­able in the envi­ron­ment. He offered some­thing to drink and the use of his show­er. I had opt­ed for the 90 sen­su­al mas­sage. He is very intu­itive and lis­tened to my body and adjust­ed his tech­nique to ensure that I was enjoy­ing every moment. For me he used just the right amount of pres­sure as he trav­eled over my body. I did­n’t expect to get such a great mas­sage includ­ed in the sen­su­al mas­sage. I was total­ly relaxed. He probed and touched all parts of my body and con­tin­ued to read my body’s desires and he fol­lowed each one per­fect­ly. The mas­sage end­ed in a great stress release han­dled superbly by Logan. This mas­sage had it all. I left feel­ing refreshed and incred­i­bly relaxed. He is def­i­nite­ly a Pro at what he does. Prob­a­bly one of the best expe­ri­ences I’ve had. The best part about choos­ing the sen­su­al mas­sage is that you can get excit­ed and relax with no wor­ries. Look­ing for­ward to my next mas­sage expe­ri­ence by Logan.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/06/2011 By: Smooth­move, San Diego, Ca

Great relax­ing sen­su­al expe­ri­ence. He asked me what areas I need­ed the most atten­tion and he focused on the areas with a com­bi­na­tion of stretch­ing and Swedish move­ments. He treat­ed my body like with tremen­dous care and exceed­ed my expec­ta­tions with the many dif­fer­ent styles of touch. Over­all, I left feel­ing like a mil­lion bucks.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 4 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/04/2011 By: Anony­mous, Vista, Ca

Please allow me to rant for a minute about my expe­ri­ence with Logan… Sim­ply the best I have ever had. I have had many erot­ic mas­sages from dozens of masseurs all over the coun­try. None have been as thor­ough and excit­ing as Logan’s. His hands are won­der­ful and his 90 minute is the only choice I would ever make. Book an appt, you won’t regret it. I would see him every week if I could afford it. 🙂 Real­ly… an amaz­ing experience.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 4.5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/27/2011 By: Jerp, Den­ver, Co

I was made aware that Logan was pass­ing thru my town and so I decid­ed to see if he was every­thing he claimed to be.
He was easy to sched­ule and we kept in touch until our appoint­ment. He def­i­nite­ly match­es his pic­tures and has a nice charm about him. He was warm and affec­tion­ate with just the right amount of con­ver­sa­tion. After a late start, (his clock was off an hour), but he real­ized it and showed just a few min­utes lat­er apol­o­giz­ing. We then went into his room and got start­ed. He has the most incred­i­ble body; it’s obvi­ous he takes great care of him­self. He made sure I was com­fort­able and began with long stokes. He shows that he knows what he is doing. As he pro­ceed­ed his touch became more and more sen­su­al and erot­ic. Let’s just say he had me from the word go. I tru­ly enjoyed my time with him and was grate­ful for his expe­ri­ence. I would hire him again should he pass thru (or I may just have to make a trip to his home­town). Thanks Logan for a great lunch hour!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 4 stars

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08/09/2011 By: Tx-Wran­gler, San Diego, Ca

This was one the absolute best mas­sages I have ever received. I will most def­i­nite­ly be mak­ing anoth­er appt in the future.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/07/2011 By: SoFlaGuy, Fort Lauderdale

This was an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence. I was tired from trav­el­ing and hap­pi­ly, was able to get a same day appoint­ment. The set­ting was clean and calm­ing, and Logan’s touch was just what I need­ed to relax. He was very wel­com­ing and made me feel extreme­ly com­fort­able. With­out a doubt, I will see him again.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/02/2011 By: Ron from San Diego, Ca

Logan’s mas­sage was the best of all worlds. Great hands that made my mus­cles relax and feel great. He asked me if any areas of my body need­ed atten­tion. My shoul­der both­ered me and he was a real pro­fes­sion­al. A very sexy man and the mas­sage was ther­a­peu­tic as well as high­ly sen­su­al. A real delight!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 4.5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/17/2011 By: Phillip, Carls­bad, Ca

The entire expe­ri­ence was great! Logan’s touch and pres­sure through­out the mas­sage were excep­tion­al and set the tone for the por­tion of the mas­sage. He worked on all parts of my body to pre­pare it and give it an intro­duc­tion for what was to come lat­er. Then it was time for his large, mas­ter hands to be com­plet­ed devot­ed to my butt. It was so relaxed and ready for those large fin­gers to work it. Logan’s def­i­nite­ly a mas­ter in this area and knows how to work a butt. Grad­u­al­ly, he worked it more and more, and I was ready for him. WOW! What an experience!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/14/2011 By: David M., San Diego, Ca

My mas­sage expe­ri­ence was very relax­ing and sen­su­al. I was in a very relaxed com­fort zone. He even pro­vid­ed a show­er with bot­tled water at the end. I will for sure sched­ule anoth­er appt. with him”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/01/2011 By: Hand­man, Impe­r­i­al, Ca

Logan was high­ly skilled, I went in feel­ing my age and walked out feel­ing much younger and more ener­getic. Thanks Logan, you’re great.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/24/2011 By: Jim, San Diego, Ca

Logan, I had a very com­plete and relax­ing mas­sage this after­noon for 90 min., it was extra nice. You mass­sage me through­ly with well placed sen­sual touch­es. I found it erot­ic and a per­fect end­ing to a first class sen­sual massage.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/26/2011 By: Jason, San Diego, Ca

Logan was the best I have ever had; he used the right amount of pres­sure and was always check­ing on my wel­fare. The way he worked his hands was such a plea­sure. I will be book­ing him again by choos­ing Logan you won’t be dis­ap­point­ed, and will become a much hap­pi­er per­son. Look­ing for­ward to next time,”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/22/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

One of the best mas­sage ever!.. I had one of the best mas­sages ever! I was not sure What to expect since I have nev­er had a 90 minute mas­sage before! It was in cred­itable! Logan did and excel­lent job in mak­ing me feel relaxed and extreme­ly com­fort­able! I am look­ing for­ward to my next visit!!!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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09/20/2011 By:

Look­ing for­ward to many more.. Great mas­sage, nice ambi­ence, return third vis­it already planned.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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08/18/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

Won­der­ful Expe­ri­ence.. Logan was easy to be with. Quite socia­ble & made me feel at ease. The mas­sage could not have been bet­ter. He took his time and used very nice move­ments cou­pled with organ­ic lotion. Ini­tial­ly he start­ed with a warm tow­el got me com­plete­ly relaxed. His mas­sage made my feel total­ly refreshed & relaxed. I will be going back & rec­om­mend him to any­one seek­ing a great experience.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/29/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Well worth it!.. This was my first vis­it to see Logan and I was very hap­py I came 🙂 His place is clean and com­fort­able, I felt relaxed from the start and the night quick­ly heat­ed up! I would, and will (soon!), make anoth­er appointment.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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07/04/2011 By: Ahmad, San Diego, Ca

The Best!.. Great! It was the best mas­sage I ever got. It’s real­ly worth it.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/29/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Awe­some mas­sage!!.. Logan is very pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced !It was a plea­sure vis­it­ing him. 🙂 ”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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06/06/2011 By: Jer­ry, San Diego, Ca

Great Expe­ri­ence!.. Great tech­nique. The place is very neat and pleas­ant. I will become a reg­u­lar client and enjoy the great expe­ri­ences with Logan.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/24/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

Very Intu­itive and Effec­tive.. Logan was very friend­ly and accom­mo­dat­ing as a new client. His skill was incred­i­ble with his intu­itive abil­i­ty to find all the right spots, mus­cles and sen­si­tive spots. It was one of the best mas­sages that I have had in San Diego!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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05/19/2011 By: Glen, San Diego, Ca

IN BLISS.. I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep on the mas­sage table. That has­n’t hap­pened to me in quite some time. Logan makes you feel wel­come and com­fort­able from the get go. I will def­i­nite­ly be returning.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/10/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

WOW…I get a mas­sage every week, have tried count­less “tech­ni­cians” but this guy is no “tech­ni­cian”. He is a pro. What a roller coast­er of enjoy­ment. From his handy’ work to the envi­ron­ment I give Logan 5 stars. Just per­fect. Our of 3000+ mas­sages I’ve had I’d say Logan is eas­i­ly in the top 5!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/02/2011 By: Art, San Diego, Ca

What A Great Expe­ri­ence.. I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised when Logan opened the door, his pic­tures do not do him jus­tice. He is a real­ly sweet, car­ing, hand­some guy with a great touch. The place was beau­ti­ful, clean and peace­ful. I get a lot of mas­sages and this was by far one of the best. I’ll be going back for sure.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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04/01/2011 By:, LaJol­la, Ca

Excel­lent!.. Logan cre­at­ed a very relax­ing atmos­phere in my hotel room … the mas­sage was great, he has a great touch. High­ly recommended.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/31/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Great Mas­sage.. I arrived a lit­tle ear­ly and Logan was nonethe­less pre­pared. His place is clean, relax­ing and a great envi­ron­ment for a mas­sage. He is an excel­lent masseur with a relax­ing touch; not too hard, not too soft. It was an over­all great expe­ri­ence. I high­ly rec­om­mend him.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/30/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Fan­tas­tic.. I got my first mas­sage from Logan on St. Patrick­’s Day after look­ing at his web site many times. His loca­tion was nice and well heat­ed; his looks are awe­some; and his tech­niques unique. I look for­ward to vis­it­ing him again soon.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/26/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

Great Mas­sage.. I have been tied up in knots because of stress at work. Logan gave me a great mas­sage and I could feel the stress flow­ing from my body as he worked me over. High­ly rec­om­mend him.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/22/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

One of the BEST!!! Just had my first mas­sage with Logan and he’s top notch. Very pro­fes­sion­al clean set-up. His tech­nique was per­fect and did exact­ly what a mas­sage is sup­posed to do. I will be back for sure.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/22/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

” An Incred­i­ble Expe­ri­ence!.. My mas­sage with Logan was per­fect from start to fin­ish. Sched­ul­ing was easy and quick. His mas­sage room is friend­ly and pro­fes­sion­al — I felt like I was at a spa. I was ner­vous and he was calm­ing — check­ing in through­out the mas­sage. After­wards he offered me a show­er with all the ameni­ties and cold water with a twist of lemon. I was blown away by it all and will be mak­ing ses­sions with Logan a reg­u­lar part of my life and you should too.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/14/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Best Mas­sage Ever!.. This was by far the best mas­sage I’ve ever had. I’m pret­ty picky and Logan was very respon­sive to my needs. The room is clean, invit­ing and heat­ed and the table was very com­fort­able. Logan’s tech­nique is superb. He made sure to focus on areas of con­cern and inquired about my com­fort every step of the way. A show­er was also pro­vid­ed after­wards. His per­son­al­i­ty and style put you at ease imme­di­ate­ly. I can’t say enough superla­tives about him and rec­om­mend him very highly.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/2//2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

” Sim­ply Excel­lent Work.. Very clean and relax­ing envi­ron­ment. Logan greets you with a charm­ing smile that puts you at ease from the moment the door opens. He is atten­tive to your needs and can adjust to your wants. I’d high­ly rec­om­mend him.” 😉

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/26/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

EXCELLENT QUALITY AND PERSON Logan real­ly excels at his pro­fes­sion. Best mas­sage I’ve ever had.. His tech­niques and atten­tion to every part of your body is amaz­ing. Won­der­ful envi­ron­ment, relax­ing, sooth­ing, peace­ful. I like to have no talk­ing and Logan was very good at that. Will def­i­nite­ly return.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/17/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

A Great Mas­sage by a Great Guy.. This was the first time I saw Logan and from the minute we first talked to the end of the mas­sage I could­n’t have asked for a bet­ter expe­ri­ence. He is also much bet­ter look­ing than in his pic­tures. His hands were great and his tech­nique was one of the best I have felt in my years of get­ting mas­sages. He was con­fi­dent in his style but cared for my per­son­al needs ask­ing if I need­ed spe­cif­ic areas worked on or gone over again. I can’t say enough good things about Logan and I will def­i­nite­ly be a reg­u­lar of his. Thanks Logan!!!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/16/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

It Was Mar­velous.. This was my sec­ond vis­it to Logan. I would strong­ly rec­om­mend Logan for mas­sage. He has a very friend­ly behav­ior. The envi­ron­ment for the mas­sage is just per­fect. He knows the exact pres­sure points and he relieves one of all the stress. Every time he brings out some­thing new. Sec­ond time was dif­fer­ent and as good as first one. Post mas­sage facilities(rest rooms ) are very clean. I would con­tin­ue to vis­it Logan and strong­ly rec­om­mend him to all.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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02/13/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

Just What My Back Need­ed.. Logan gave me a pro­fes­sion­al, thor­ough and invig­o­rat­ing full body mas­sage with extra atten­tion to my low­er back which is where I need­ed it most. His work room was clean and filled with low light and soft, sooth­ing music. I real­ly appre­ci­at­ed that he found time to see me short­ly after I called for an appoint­ment and, when I arrived, he lis­tened to my requests then took the extra time to work on my low­er back even though we wound up going over time. Logan is not a clock watcher.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/20/2011 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Great Mas­sage.. Logan is pro­fes­sion­al, per­son­able, and friend­ly. His mas­sage is thor­ough, un-rushed and accom­mo­dat­ing. He is atten­tive and intu­itive in his approach. He asked if there were any areas which were par­tic­u­lar­ly sore or which need­ed spe­cial atten­tion. After the mas­sage, there was beau­ti­ful­ly clean show­er and fresh tow­els. Logan has my high­est rec­om­men­da­tion. This was my sec­ond, but not my last visit.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/20/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

One of the best.. I also asked for a last minute mas­sage appoint­ment, which was­n’t a prob­lem for him. The set­up was great, and the room was well heat­ed. He was respon­sive to my needs, and asked me about the pres­sure, room temp, etc. The expe­ri­ence was first rate, I would rec­om­mend him to any­one, and will be a repeat cus­tomer for sure.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/25/2011 By: SanDiegoCS, San Diego, Ca

My reg­u­lar stop on the way from LA to San Diego. I trav­el to LA on busi­ness quite a bit. Logan has a great loca­tion in north­ern San Diego, just of I‑5. I can (and have) call him when I’m 30 min­utes up the road, and he’ll be ready for me. He is an extreme­ly attrac­tive and charm­ing young man, with very tal­ent­ed hands. He’s great for reliev­ing the stress of a business/road trip. I always seem to be in a bet­ter mood (accord­ing to my admin assis­tant) when I stop by and see Logan on my way back to the office after a few days on the road.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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01/18/2011 By:, San Diego, Ca

Awe­some Hands WOW.. Logan gave a superb Mas­sage great hands very through would HIGHLY rec­om­mend his mas­sage and tech­nique Thank you

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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11/24/10 By: Nick­o­las, San Diego, Ca

Amaz­ing Spa Qual­i­ty Mas­sage.. Best spa qual­i­ty mas­sage. Best expe­ri­ence ever, worth all my time and mon­ey. Thanks Logan — haven’t felt that great or slept that well in months!

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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10/05/10 By:, San Diego, Ca

Fan­tas­tic Expe­ri­ence!.. Seri­ous­ly the best Sen­su­al Swedish I have had to date. Also sur­pris­ing­ly much bet­ter look­ing guy in per­son. Logan Greet­ed me with warm pos­i­tive vibes. I was very inter­est­ed in the sen­su­al at this point. He lead me to the room and after I mount­ed the table face down he start­ed with a light warm touch­ing all over my body as if he were scan­ning me. What a nice way to break the ice. I liked it a lot. He applied some pres­sure to my back. When he added the oil things real­ly got pret­ty nice start­ing with my; back, shoul­ders, arms, legs, but­tocks, ROOT!!!. Then he got on top of me and did a deep back and but­tocks rou­tine. I then turned for the chest, legs, stom­ach, root and Ohooo Yeah! This was pret­ty awe­some guys. I seri­ous­ly like the state Logan put me in.

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/25/2010 By: Anony­mous, San Diego, Ca

Rubbed me the right way.. Great guy. Heav­en with his hands. I’m a reg­u­lar now. Very atten­tive and thought­ful for a good look­ing guy.”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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03/25/2010 By:, San Diego, Ca

Logan was here when I need­ed him.. Called up sor­ta last minute, I always seem to do that, but he said sure. He had time and I went right over con­ve­nient loca­tion , park­ing, and nice clean space… love his mas­sage. Just what the Doc­tor ordered… Deep enough to make it ther­a­peu­tic. Love the free­dom I felt around him. Sweet man great mas­sage I’ll be back!”

Over­all Rat­ing: 5 stars
Tech exper­tise: 5 stars
Com­fort lev­el: 5 stars
Ambiance: 5 stars

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