Acquiring An Escort In North America Etiquette

1. Masseur / Com­pan­ions don’t sell sex for Estab­lished Legal Currencies.
2. First things first. Know your ser­vice provider’s base rates before you meet. These are not nego­tiable lat­er to avoid talk­ing cur­ren­cy. Addi­tions require code terms.
3. When refer­ring to com­pen­sa­tion. “Before the Points Of Pre­tense” Use code terms. Ros­es, dona­tions, trib­utes, kiss­es, hearts.
4. All done? Did they blow your mind? Tips are encour­aged but nev­er required. The aver­age is 20 tributes.

Beyond the Points Of Pre­tense” is ref­er­enced sev­er­al times through­out this arti­cle. This is the point in which you are com­fort­able and know you are not deal­ing with a slavery/extortioner entrap­ment criminal.

An oppres­sive offi­cer for the prison indus­tri­al com­plex. Can­not get naked. Can­not touch you sex­u­al­ly. If he is naked and intends to lie in court. Can­not eas­i­ly hide record­ing devices. Get­ting beyond the three points check­list is advis­able if you are not good at read­ing people.

1. Poten­tial clients/companions. have undressed.
2. You have touched each oth­er in an inti­mate manner.
3. All elec­tron­ic devices are put away beyond sound recording.

This is when you can drop the cliche pre­tense lan­guage. I pre­fer direct talk. How­ev­er I will not until I read you in per­son, and if you are hard to read. I will rely on the 3 points as should you.

YOUR MINDSET SHOULD BE: Masseurs/companions only charge for their time. What you and your masseur/companion do as con­sent­ing adults should only be dis­cussed in the con­text of inti­ma­cy, and NEVER as a finan­cial trans­ac­tion for sex­u­al acts. Until “Beyond the Points of Pre­tense” This is out of respect for your­self, & the masseur/companion.

Why? Let’s be clear and hon­est. To loop­hole through back­ward U.S. laws pur­pose­ly writ­ten to include vic­tim-less sit­u­a­tions. Brought to us under the pre­tense to pro­tect under­age minors and human traf­fick­ing. Witch human rites advo­cates like your aver­age com­pan­ion agree with com­plete­ly. How­ev­er, the pub­lic did not agree to the broad scop­ing ter­mi­nol­o­gy delib­er­ate­ly and method­i­cal­ly used by cor­po­rate leg­is­la­tors like ALEC work­ing for the prison indus­tri­al com­plex. Cre­at­ing vic­tims of hon­est work­ing com­pan­ions and com­pan­ion seekers.

When meet­ing your com­pan­ion for the first time. After expos­ing or touch­ing one anoth­er inti­mate­ly is the point beyond any ploy of entrap­ment can go. After this point, no case would be pre­sent­ed. After this point, the ice is bro­ken and you should feel safe enough to drop the pre­tense. But if you are still not com­fort­able yet by all means keep obscur­ing what is said. But just note using pre­tense when you don’t need to does make you sound a lit­tle dim. Like wear­ing a mask know­ing there is no pandemic.

It should also be said that the like­li­hood of any police force out to entrap gay pros­ti­tu­tion is NIL to NONE. Why? Because luck­i­ly for the Gay Escort com­mu­ni­ty. The police force is plagued with low IQ, & misog­y­nist homo­phobes. The misog­y­ny and anti-human­is­tic dog­ma views have even infect­ed the women offi­cers. The het­ero­sex­u­al vise is com­mon. Because it is social­ly accept­able in their con­ser­v­a­tive brain­washed upbring­ing. The vise thug could be either com­pan­ion or client, female or male. But gen­er­al­ly, the vic­tim is the female com­pan­ion. The john is used for extor­tion of mon­ey or dirty deeds. This is our cor­rupt soci­ety. Help change it or get used to it. But at the very least know how to nav­i­gate it.

The best time to dis­cuss fan­tasies is before you even meet via email. If the Com­pan­ion enter­tains your fan­ta­sy they will respond to the ini­ti­at­ed plot. Peo­ple are com­pli­cat­ed and so are their men­tal pro­cliv­i­ties. One may like humil­i­a­tion but not sex. Most escorts may make this mis­take. So be detailed about what gives you men­tal plea­sure. Espe­cial­ly if it is not the norm or you haven’t found any­one to hit the nail on the head as of yet. The best way to do this is to describe your ide­al encounter. If it is not their spe­cial­ty they will not enter­tain the sub­ject and either refer you to some­one else who will, or gen­tly decline an engage­ment. Try to men­tion your kind of freak in the first email to save time.

Know your freak. Here is a web sex dic­tio­nary no sex­u­al­ly active per­son today should be with­out. Urban Dic­tio­nary.

Know­ing that cell phones and tablets are record­ing devices. Expect that your devices may be required to be put away. If this is your companion’s pref­er­ence. They will pro­vide that place for you if they are host­ing. If it’s an out-call. They may request you put yours in the bath­room or wrap it up in your clothes in a draw­er. But this goes both ways. You can request the same with­out any reser­va­tion of your companion.

Exam­ples of dia­log, of what is accept­able talk “before! the Points of Pretense”:

Seek­er: “Can I get you some roses”
Sought: “I’d love 200”, “Should I expect them today?”
Seek­er: “Yes or No”.

Seek­er: “What kind of dona­tion is usu­al­ly asked for these days?”
Sought: “I’ve heard 200” “Are you feel­ing like get­ting seri­ous with someone?”.
Seek­er: “Yes or No”.

The con­ver­sa­tion is the obscu­ri­ty. Answers should be defin­i­tive. When it comes to a yes or no ques­tion the answer should be yes or no. The answer is the point at which you are agree­ing or not. And allowed to say so with­out com­pro­mise. Don’t con­fuse the con­ver­sa­tion with maybe. To the com­pan­ion, maybe means no. And most impor­tant­ly, NO is a per­fect­ly good answer. Don’t be afraid to say it.

The point of the analogy/entendre con­ver­sa­tion is to give an out if one or the oth­er in the con­ver­sa­tion is try­ing to entrap the oth­er with record­ing it. But best play it safe and just have a detailed con­ver­sa­tion “Beyond the Point of Pre­tense”. In court, you need direct lan­guage and absolutes to charge some­one with any­thing. If inti­ma­cy will get you there the escort is per­fect­ly will­ing to go there so do not be shy. An advance can sim­ply be a mis­un­der­stand­ing if that should be the case. But after that advance, there is no need to stay in ambi­gu­i­ty. Because it is in both of your inter­ests to get to that point. If either par­ty is not work­ing to that quick goal. Well, some­thing is amiss. Don’t stick around to find out what. If some­one is insis­tent to hash out details before­hand. It’s not nor­mal at all. And now you know why escorts are eva­sive at first. Not because they don’t want to do biz. They just don’t want to talk explic­it busi­ness with some­one who is either unaware of how to nav­i­gate the con­ver­sa­tion. Not because it’s all a hus­tle. Most escorts are hon­est. They just don’t like to take risks before get­ting you “Beyond the Points of Pretense”.

Under­stand that these nego­ti­a­tions do not ever refer to the ini­tial under­stood rate. This rate is non-nego­tiable because it would refer to an already estab­lished legal cur­ren­cy com­pen­sat­ing for time. Let’s not mix the two. Do your own math. ;D Ros­es, Trib­utes, etc. are additional.
If your escorts rates are ask­ing 300 & up at the get-go. You most like­ly are deal­ing with the total. This is why a Masseur is half the rate of an escort. An escort may give mas­sages. But this is some­thing to talk about “Beyond the Points of Pretense”.

Exam­ples of what is NEVER accept­able if you have not got­ten “Beyond the Points of Pre­tense”. Mean­ing you do not trust the oth­er yet. You still have your clothes on you have not touched each oth­er. Per­son­al­ly, I would avoid details until.

Can I make love to you for $150 more”?

What could I get for this” *show of cash”?

Does your mas­sage ses­sion include get­ting topped”?

To say the least. You most like­ly: Won’t get a straight answer, get a polite dodge, or they will deny they offer such all togeth­er or at least “Beyond the Points of Presence”.

What is the going rate? Most companions/escorts will list their “full ser­vice” rate at the get-go. These are the rates that start at 350 “ros­es” and up. Porn Stars are known to request 550 “trib­utes” and up. If you are get­ting a Masseur like me. Who may or may not do “+Ser­vice”. Just know that the rea­son­able plus ser­vice escort is around or near 200 “dona­tion” addi­tion­al. Total, you should expect to spend between 330 & 550. This should include the base rate. If that is the rate plan the com­pan­ion is using. Note the more fit, youth­ful, mas­cu­line the com­pan­ion the more the ros­es. Expe­ri­ence, loca­tion are also fac­tors. You should have the total with you if get­ting lucky is some­thing your open to. Also, most com­pan­ions can take cred­it cards and alter­na­tives like v‑e‑n-m‑o, etc. Check to see if they do if you need options.
With the advent of the new law in North Amer­i­ca. Com­pan­ions do not get to post their rates. To any U.S.-hosted sites any­way. So don’t be offend­ed when they respond with their rates to your ini­tial con­tact. Because of (FOSTA) 3erd par­ty U.S.-based sites like A4A,,, etc. are under oblig­a­tion to restrict your lan­guage both ways. Or they could face lia­bil­i­ty and be shut down. If you find your Masseur or Escort is danc­ing around specifics. It’s not because he is not inter­est­ed. It’s because he/she has read the agree­ments with these 3erd par­ty adver­tis­ing sites and does not want to get their pro­file shut down and banned from the site you are com­mu­ni­cat­ing through. This is what hap­pened to Back-Page. Pedophil­ia and Human Traf­fick­ing were already ille­gal. We know that this law is just an infringe­ment on our free speech fur­ther cen­sor­ing the North Amer­i­can internet.

But on the sub­ject of third par­ty sites Like A‑4-A, G‑r-i-n-d‑r, S‑c-r-u-f‑f, ect. You do not want to have your explic­it con­ver­sa­tions on these site for the very fact that they are 3erd par­ty and con­sid­ered a “Man in the Mid­dle”. So as soon as you can you should con­tact your pre­ferred ser­vice provider direct­ly. A good escort/masseur will pro­vide you with direct con­tact ph# right off the bat. They don’t like their con­ver­sa­tions mon­i­tored any more than you do. Phone, Text, Email, Web­site, Once you have con­tact­ed them. You can speak more explic­it­ly and freely. But it is strong­ly advised until you know them “Beyond the Point of Pre­tense” you should use code terms when refer­ring to Full Ser­vice, + Ser­vice. Ros­es, Flow­ers, Trib­utes, Dona­tions. Nev­er a cur­ren­cy: Dol­lars, USD, Peso, CAD, etc.

Cur­ren­cy does not equate to sex. It’s that sim­ple. This is how adults talk about adult things in an oli­garchic, fas­cist gov­erned coun­try. If you under­stand the laws where you live. Then you know you are not FREE. So be care­ful and mind­ful, but don’t be afraid, and go get what you need.

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