Great Experience with Male Escorts

The word Male Escort today 99% of the time means A sex­u­al pro­fes­sion­al who knows how to read you and pro­vide you with your sex­u­al needs. Because he does it often he is con­sid­ered a pro. Usu­al­ly, he’s good-look­ing or charis­mat­ic and makes you feel good when you’re together.

You may find your­self on those NSA social sites look­ing through the oth­er men like prod­ucts on a shelf and for some rea­son or anoth­er you want the built good-look­ing guy. But then those self-defeat­ing issues over­come you. What if he’s a total snob and rejects me. What if he looks good but does­n’t know the first thing about sex. These things just don’t hap­pen with an expe­ri­enced escort.

When look­ing for your escort. Notice the site your on. This is usu­al­ly the first indi­ca­tor of whether you’re going to be deal­ing with a sex­u­al pro. or a so-called “legit escort”. If there are nude shots of the escort. This means he does more than accom­pa­ny your side and attend social events with you. But then at the very least he may pick and choose his inti­mate clien­tele. The sec­ond indi­ca­tor is an hourly rate. A Sex­u­al Escort will quote 300 dona­tions and up per hr. A non-sex­u­al, event com­pan­ion or guide escort will start to be between $100 and $140. max. But don’t let that fool you. He may just not post Full Ser­vice. Pic­tures are also a tell. Ask your­self; is he show­ing off his cock, body, or is all the pic­tures of him ful­ly clothed. The best advice I can give when choos­ing between your pre­ferred Sex­u­al Escorts is to. Read his Ad. and pre­sume to read between the lines. Also, read his reviews. Males love their sex­u­al dou­ble­s­peak. You will be able to see the mean­ing between the lines if you are sex­u­al­ly active. Look for fake reviews. It does­n’t hap­pen often, but it’s a pos­si­bil­i­ty. Today most are inter­net savvy and can tell. But if you need a guide on the tells here are 2 short videos to fill you in. 1, 2.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly in most back­ward soci­eties. Like the USA. Dog­mas have pushed its ideals on soci­ety. Most often in spite of our human nature. For exam­ple, laws are put forth for one rea­son but always encom­pass many per­fect­ly vic­tim-less cir­cum­stances. Which real­ly isn’t ille­gal at all. But inten­tion­al­ly laws are not just writ­ten for only the vic­tims. Take pros­ti­tu­tion for exam­ple. Under the guise of pro­tect­ing under­age minors from abu­sive pedophil­ia or slav­ery. Witch, I am all for BTW. Laws are writ­ten with broad encom­pass­ing terms to ensure they ensnare as many sit­u­a­tions as pos­si­ble. Why? To keep those uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, ille­gal pri­vate pris­ons full. This process itself should be ille­gal. Why? Because it does cre­ate vic­tims of these police state laws. What­ev­er state you are in, the USA. Just don’t equate any type of estab­lished cur­ren­cy to a sex­u­al act. Code terms like ros­es, dona­tion, trib­ute are just that. One unit of these code terms equals one unit of cur­ren­cy. If you are in the USA it is US Dol­lars and so on. So to be clear 120 ros­es = $120. 😉 But 120 ros­es means 120 ros­es if I’m going to engage. 😉

Just like the term Con­spir­a­cy The­o­rists once a cred­i­ble term weaponized by the CIA is restor­ing itself back to its hon­or­able term mean­ing an ana­lyt­i­cal thinker. Giv­en the fact that so many con­spir­a­cies have turned out to be true or clos­est to the truth in recent his­to­ry and most cer­tain­ly the past. The word pros­ti­tu­tion is also regain­ing its real mean­ing unteth­ered to social judge­ment. It is just a con­ve­nience for the busy man or woman that is in line with our human nature. The mod­ern male or female if they are not affect­ed by Dog­ma brain­wash­ing is OK with his true nature.

The act for a man to take cock up the ass and mas­sage his prostates has been proven to be apart of our nature and many oth­er species for that mat­ter. So don’t be sur­prised when it feels so plea­sur­able. Anoth­er lie out there is that this act caus­es prostate can­cer. We now know that con­di­tion lies most­ly with the nitrates and sul­fates in our food (name­ly processed dried meats, and most wines). Our sex­u­al needs do not define us. But we real­ize we have these sex­u­al needs and we address them, as adults should. Not doing so will progress to an unhealthy men­tal state.

In today’s USA, we are slav­ing away to stay out of debt or TRY to get ahead. And when you look at how locked down and rigged our soci­ety and the mon­i­to­ry sys­tem is. From an overview, we are real­iz­ing we are all slaves to it. But pros­ti­tu­tion is alive and well for many rea­sons I’m not going to go into. But the main one, sup­ply and demand of stress relief, and human touch. It’s nice to know you can find some­one who knows how to make love to you, hold you, and talk in real terms that val­i­date our true human nature. Whether we like it hard and rough or slow soft and affec­tion­ate. Good Male Escorts are in demand because they can accom­mo­date a wide spec­trum of needs.

If you are the kind of guy who wants to ease into a sit­u­a­tion. Then I sug­gest a Masseur / Escort. With a Masseur Escort, you will most like­ly be giv­en a Mas­sage rate. But if sex is some­thing you want after meet­ing him. Then the escort rate is usu­al­ly dou­ble the 60 min­utes / hourly rate. If you’re not sure and want the escort option. Ask him how many more roses/donations/tributes are advised. Masseurs usu­al­ly work with rou­tines. When it comes to the time of the encounter. You’ll know when that is. At this point, you will be giv­en the option. Just don’t equate any legal­ly estab­lished cur­ren­cy to a sex­u­al act at least in the USA or at least before you and exchanged touching.

Not all men are cut out to be Escorts. But the ones who are, usu­al­ly are very seduc­tive. So if it is your fan­ta­sy to be a bot­tom. Be ready for such an encounter. Good sex is sex pre­pared for. Bot­toms should clean 30 min before their encounter. Tops should bring protection.

Bare­back­ing has become an issue. STDs are on the rise because of: Prep. How­ev­er, you should be very aware Prep does not keep you safe from Oth­ers. Syphilis, Gon­or­rhea, and Chlamy­dia. “Note I do not include the fake virus­es”. All virus­es are a lie. Not there yet? You will be if you start pay­ing atten­tion to inde­pen­dent news and not. Although these things can be cured with prompt treat­ment. The symp­toms and absti­nence are a damper of fun for a bit. Best to be safe. Put that rain­coat on or the bot­tom should reach back and grab the base of that cock and con­firm the lip the nip­ple there. ;D

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