Getting Ready for an Erotic Massage

Make sure to get thor­ough­ly cleaned up for your erot­ic mas­sage ses­sion. A sen­su­al mas­sage usu­al­ly means the therapist’s hands are not going to be lim­it­ed unless you let them know ahead of time where not to go. If you are on the go, the mas­sage therapist’s accom­mo­da­tions may include the use of a show­er. Inquire about this upon sched­ul­ing. It is a safe bet you can pre­pare your­self at their stu­dio before the ses­sion, and a show­er after is not a giv­en if they do not have the facil­i­ties. If a ther­a­pist offers show­er facil­i­ties, there is a good chance they will have some gen­er­al hygiene prod­ucts at your dis­pos­al, like deodor­ants, tooth­brush­es, floss, mouth­wash, soaps, con­di­tion­er, etc. You may want to con­sid­er bring­ing your own dis­pos­able douche.

Here is a check­list for cleaning.

  1. Douche. If you’re expect­ing to get a prostate mas­sage or are open to the idea but not sure what to expect, do the safe thing and be ready. 

  3. Show­er: Don’t for­get to wash inside your anus sphinc­ters and the val­ley of the glu­teus max­imus. The per­ineum tes­ti­cles & penis, or vagi­na and pubic region. Not all, but a few males also secrete their pheromones in their anal and per­ineum regions. If you’re the type who is on the pun­gent side, there is no rule say­ing you can’t use your cologne there. Now for the uncut. You should count your­selves very lucky that your par­ents were smart enough not to sub­ject you to gen­i­tal muti­la­tion. But you do have the addi­tion­al respon­si­bil­i­ty of keep­ing that pock­et cheese free.

  5. Toes: Make sure to clean in-between your toes and clip your toe­nails if you’re get­ting a foot massage. 

  7. Breath: Brush your teeth and tongue just in case your mas­sage ther­a­pist is will­ing to kiss you. 

  9. Fin­gers: If you’re a male and mutu­al touch is per­mit­ted, then clip your fin­ger­nails so you don’t scratch your ther­a­pist in any sen­si­tive spots. Girls, please be care­ful if you’re sport­ing those non-beveled claws. 

  11. Ears: One of the biggest sen­su­al but­tons is your ears. Depend­ing on how oral your ther­a­pist is, your ears may get some seri­ous atten­tion. If you’re an old­er male, you might want to look into wax­ing. This is where I get my wax­ing done in San Digo, CA 

  13. Arm Pits: If your body odor is on the pun­gent side, it is advis­able to wear your deodor­ant. Aerosol deodor­ants don’t inter­fere with most oils and creams. The dry deodor­ants, how­ev­er, will cause a bit of a sticky sit­u­a­tion. But there is noth­ing a ther­a­pist can­not work through. 

Some ther­a­pists will incor­po­rate a hot tow­el rou­tine to start. This is usu­al­ly a very enjoy­able expe­ri­ence. Heat is a way to get you rapid­ly relaxed while also ensur­ing you have a clean back­side. Yes, you’re get­ting your butt wiped. (lol) Don’t be embar­rassed; clean ther­a­pists just don’t like that kind of sur­prise and are used to the idea that some guys just aren’t that thor­ough. If you get embar­rassed eas­i­ly, don’t be that guy and pre­pare ahead of time.
If you have the flu or cold, call me any­time. Most of the pop­u­la­tion is still igno­rant of the fact that the cold and flu are just a flush­ing or clean­ing of your res­pi­ra­to­ry sys­tems. Colds are local­ized to the nasal pas­sages and flues, includ­ing both the nasal, lung, and some­times var­i­ous mus­cle groups. It is most often trig­gered by a sea­son­al drop in tem­per­a­ture and an increase in humid­i­ty. But it can also hap­pen if you are exposed to heavy air­borne par­tic­u­lates for long peri­ods of time. It ramps up your lym­phat­ic mucosa pro­duc­tion. The the­o­ry clos­er to the truth of your body’s func­tions is based on Ter­rain The­o­ry.
Know­ing this, it stands to rea­son that this is the per­fect time for a mas­sage. Despite con­ven­tion­al mis­in­for­ma­tion, break­ing up the tox­ins stored in your fat while going through this flush is ide­al. Eat­ing less food and drink­ing plen­ty of water is best. This will pro­vide the body with the hydrat­ing flu­ids it needs to pro­duce the mucus need­ed to flush the sys­tem quick­ly. Eat­ing less sim­ply slows down the rein­tro­duc­tion of more tox­ins. The mis­guid­ed med­ical prac­tice of allo­path­ic med­i­cine is mas­sive­ly brain­washed and mis­in­formed on this sub­ject. It is not their fault, real­ly. They still have trust in an allo­path­ic mod­el that is proven cor­rupt in prac­tice and edu­ca­tion. I per­son­al­ly know bet­ter than to make this mis­take again.


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