Make sure to get thoroughly cleaned up for your erotic massage session. A sensual massage usually means the therapist’s hands are not going to be limited unless you let them know ahead of time where not to go. If you are on the go, the massage therapist’s accommodations may include the use of a shower. Inquire about this upon scheduling. It is a safe bet you can prepare yourself at their studio before the session, and a shower after is not a given if they do not have the facilities. If a therapist offers shower facilities, there is a good chance they will have some general hygiene products at your disposal, like deodorants, toothbrushes, floss, mouthwash, soaps, conditioner, etc. You may want to consider bringing your own disposable douche.
Here is a checklist for cleaning.
- Douche. If you’re expecting to get a prostate massage or are open to the idea but not sure what to expect, do the safe thing and be ready.
- Shower: Don’t forget to wash inside your anus sphincters and the valley of the gluteus maximus. The perineum testicles & penis, or vagina and pubic region. Not all, but a few males also secrete their pheromones in their anal and perineum regions. If you’re the type who is on the pungent side, there is no rule saying you can’t use your cologne there. Now for the uncut. You should count yourselves very lucky that your parents were smart enough not to subject you to genital mutilation. But you do have the additional responsibility of keeping that pocket cheese free.
- Toes: Make sure to clean in-between your toes and clip your toenails if you’re getting a foot massage.
- Breath: Brush your teeth and tongue just in case your massage therapist is willing to kiss you.
- Fingers: If you’re a male and mutual touch is permitted, then clip your fingernails so you don’t scratch your therapist in any sensitive spots. Girls, please be careful if you’re sporting those non-beveled claws.
- Ears: One of the biggest sensual buttons is your ears. Depending on how oral your therapist is, your ears may get some serious attention. If you’re an older male, you might want to look into waxing. This is where I get my waxing done in San Digo, CA
- Arm Pits: If your body odor is on the pungent side, it is advisable to wear your deodorant. Aerosol deodorants don’t interfere with most oils and creams. The dry deodorants, however, will cause a bit of a sticky situation. But there is nothing a therapist cannot work through.
Some therapists will incorporate a hot towel routine to start. This is usually a very enjoyable experience. Heat is a way to get you rapidly relaxed while also ensuring you have a clean backside. Yes, you’re getting your butt wiped. (lol) Don’t be embarrassed; clean therapists just don’t like that kind of surprise and are used to the idea that some guys just aren’t that thorough. If you get embarrassed easily, don’t be that guy and prepare ahead of time.
If you have the flu or cold, call me anytime. Most of the population is still ignorant of the fact that the cold and flu are just a flushing or cleaning of your respiratory systems. Colds are localized to the nasal passages and flues, including both the nasal, lung, and sometimes various muscle groups. It is most often triggered by a seasonal drop in temperature and an increase in humidity. But it can also happen if you are exposed to heavy airborne particulates for long periods of time. It ramps up your lymphatic mucosa production. The theory closer to the truth of your body’s functions is based on Terrain Theory.
Knowing this, it stands to reason that this is the perfect time for a massage. Despite conventional misinformation, breaking up the toxins stored in your fat while going through this flush is ideal. Eating less food and drinking plenty of water is best. This will provide the body with the hydrating fluids it needs to produce the mucus needed to flush the system quickly. Eating less simply slows down the reintroduction of more toxins. The misguided medical practice of allopathic medicine is massively brainwashed and misinformed on this subject. It is not their fault, really. They still have trust in an allopathic model that is proven corrupt in practice and education. I personally know better than to make this mistake again.