People who want to get a massage are often confused between the different modalities of massage. They will often ask for A Deep Tissue. But what they really mean to ask their therapist is “I want more or heavier pressure”. However, when you tell a massage therapist you want A Deep Tissue. You may be...
Category: Articles
The Gay Masseur
Even though some people are uncomfortable with receiving a rubdown from a gay massage therapist, it is easy to understand why so many are completely relaxed with it. Plenty of men (gay or straight) prefer going to a male masseur, whether the masseur is straight or not. Many men worry that they might become aroused...
Great Experience with Male Escorts
The word Male Escort today 99% of the time means A sexual professional who knows how to read you and provide you with your sexual needs. Because he does it often he is considered a pro. Usually, he's good-looking or charismatic and makes you feel good when you're together. You may find yourself on those...
Benefits of a Gay Massage Therapist
The reputation of a gay massage therapist is very different than it was just a few years ago. With the newfound acceptance of the gay community increasing every day, many people are coming to the realization that these professionals are capable of providing a great service to a great many people. They give expert therapy...
Getting Ready for an Erotic Massage
Make sure to get thoroughly cleaned up for your erotic massage session. A sensual massage usually means the therapist’s hands are not going to be limited unless you let them know ahead of time where not to go. If you are on the go, the massage therapist’s accommodations may include the use of a shower....