

In-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $130
90 minute ~ $180

Out-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $190
90 minute ~ $210


In-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $90
90 minute ~ $130

Out-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $120
90 minute ~ $160


  • Call or txt: 619.796.6310
  • Hours of Oper­a­tion: 10am to 10pm ⓘ
  • I taxi round trip for $30 ⓘ
  • Stats ⓘ
  • Loca­tion: Claire­mont Area 
  • Cash pre­ferred / Cred­it Cards Accepted
  • Sched­ule via phone or text
  • I pro­tect your privacy
  • Rates Are Non-Negotiable
  • No Show. No Re-Schedule
  • Acquir­ing a Com­pan­ion USA Etiquette


Acquiring An Escort In North America Etiquette

1. Masseur / Com­pan­ions don’t sell sex for Estab­lished Legal Currencies.
2. First things first. Know your ser­vice provider’s base rates before you meet. These are not nego­tiable lat­er to avoid talk­ing cur­ren­cy. Addi­tions require code terms.
3. When refer­ring to com­pen­sa­tion. “Before the Points Of Pre­tense” Use code terms. Ros­es, dona­tions, trib­utes, kiss­es, hearts.
4. All done? Did they blow your mind? Tips are encour­aged but nev­er required. The aver­age is 20 tributes.

Beyond the Points Of Pre­tense” is ref­er­enced sev­er­al times through­out this arti­cle. This is the point in which you are com­fort­able and know you are not deal­ing with a slavery/extortioner entrap­ment criminal.

An oppres­sive offi­cer for the prison indus­tri­al com­plex. Can­not get naked. Can­not touch you sex­u­al­ly. If he is naked and intends to lie in court. Can­not eas­i­ly hide record­ing devices. Get­ting beyond the three points check­list is advis­able if you are not good at read­ing people.

1. Poten­tial clients/companions. have undressed.
2. You have touched each oth­er in an inti­mate manner.
3. All elec­tron­ic devices are put away beyond sound recording.

This is when you can drop the cliche pre­tense lan­guage. I pre­fer direct talk. How­ev­er I will not until I read you in per­son, and if you are hard to read. I will rely on the 3 points as should you.

YOUR MINDSET SHOULD BE: Masseurs/companions only charge for their time. What you and your masseur/companion do as con­sent­ing adults should only be dis­cussed in the con­text of inti­ma­cy, and NEVER as a finan­cial trans­ac­tion for sex­u­al acts. Until “Beyond the Points of Pre­tense” This is out of respect for your­self, & the masseur/companion.

Why? Let’s be clear and hon­est. To loop­hole through back­ward U.S. laws pur­pose­ly writ­ten to include vic­­tim-less sit­u­a­tions. Brought to us under the pre­tense to pro­tect under­age minors and human traf­fick­ing. Witch human rites advo­cates like your aver­age com­pan­ion agree with com­plete­ly. How­ev­er, the pub­lic did not agree to the broad scop­ing ter­mi­nol­o­gy delib­er­ate­ly and method­i­cal­ly used by cor­po­rate leg­is­la­tors like ALEC work­ing for the prison indus­tri­al com­plex. Cre­at­ing vic­tims of hon­est work­ing com­pan­ions and com­pan­ion seekers.

When meet­ing your com­pan­ion for the first time. After expos­ing or touch­ing one anoth­er inti­mate­ly is the point beyond any ploy of entrap­ment can go. After this point, no case would be pre­sent­ed. After this point, the ice is bro­ken and you should feel safe enough to drop the pre­tense. But if you are still not com­fort­able yet by all means keep obscur­ing what is said. But just note using pre­tense when you don’t need to does make you sound a lit­tle dim. Like wear­ing a mask know­ing there is no pandemic.

It should also be said that the like­li­hood of any police force out to entrap gay pros­ti­tu­tion is NIL to NONE. Why? Because luck­i­ly for the Gay Escort com­mu­ni­ty. The police force is plagued with low IQ, & misog­y­nist homo­phobes. The misog­y­ny and anti-human­is­tic dog­ma views have even infect­ed the women offi­cers. The het­ero­sex­u­al vise is com­mon. Because it is social­ly accept­able in their con­ser­v­a­tive brain­washed upbring­ing. The vise thug could be either com­pan­ion or client, female or male. But gen­er­al­ly, the vic­tim is the female com­pan­ion. The john is used for extor­tion of mon­ey or dirty deeds. This is our cor­rupt soci­ety. Help change it or get used to it. But at the very least know how to nav­i­gate it.

The best time to dis­cuss fan­tasies is before you even meet via email. If the Com­pan­ion enter­tains your fan­ta­sy they will respond to the ini­ti­at­ed plot. Peo­ple are com­pli­cat­ed and so are their men­tal pro­cliv­i­ties. One may like humil­i­a­tion but not sex. Most escorts may make this mis­take. So be detailed about what gives you men­tal plea­sure. Espe­cial­ly if it is not the norm or you haven’t found any­one to hit the nail on the head as of yet. The best way to do this is to describe your ide­al encounter. If it is not their spe­cial­ty they will not enter­tain the sub­ject and either refer you to some­one else who will, or gen­tly decline an engage­ment. Try to men­tion your kind of freak in the first email to save time.

Know your freak. Here is a web sex dic­tio­nary no sex­u­al­ly active per­son today should be with­out. Urban Dic­tio­nary.

Know­ing that cell phones and tablets are record­ing devices. Expect that your devices may be required to be put away. If this is your companion’s pref­er­ence. They will pro­vide that place for you if they are host­ing. If it’s an out-call. They may request you put yours in the bath­room or wrap it up in your clothes in a draw­er. But this goes both ways. You can request the same with­out any reser­va­tion of your companion.

Exam­ples of dia­log, of what is accept­able talk “before! the Points of Pretense”:

Seek­er: “Can I get you some roses”
Sought: “I’d love 200”, “Should I expect them today?”
Seek­er: “Yes or No”.

Seek­er: “What kind of dona­tion is usu­al­ly asked for these days?”
Sought: “I’ve heard 200” “Are you feel­ing like get­ting seri­ous with someone?”.
Seek­er: “Yes or No”.

The con­ver­sa­tion is the obscu­ri­ty. Answers should be defin­i­tive. When it comes to a yes or no ques­tion the answer should be yes or no. The answer is the point at which you are agree­ing or not. And allowed to say so with­out com­pro­mise. Don’t con­fuse the con­ver­sa­tion with maybe. To the com­pan­ion, maybe means no. And most impor­tant­ly, NO is a per­fect­ly good answer. Don’t be afraid to say it.

The point of the analogy/entendre con­ver­sa­tion is to give an out if one or the oth­er in the con­ver­sa­tion is try­ing to entrap the oth­er with record­ing it. But best play it safe and just have a detailed con­ver­sa­tion “Beyond the Point of Pre­tense”. In court, you need direct lan­guage and absolutes to charge some­one with any­thing. If inti­ma­cy will get you there the escort is per­fect­ly will­ing to go there so do not be shy. An advance can sim­ply be a mis­un­der­stand­ing if that should be the case. But after that advance, there is no need to stay in ambi­gu­i­ty. Because it is in both of your inter­ests to get to that point. If either par­ty is not work­ing to that quick goal. Well, some­thing is amiss. Don’t stick around to find out what. If some­one is insis­tent to hash out details before­hand. It’s not nor­mal at all. And now you know why escorts are eva­sive at first. Not because they don’t want to do biz. They just don’t want to talk explic­it busi­ness with some­one who is either unaware of how to nav­i­gate the con­ver­sa­tion. Not because it’s all a hus­tle. Most escorts are hon­est. They just don’t like to take risks before get­ting you “Beyond the Points of Pretense”.

Under­stand that these nego­ti­a­tions do not ever refer to the ini­tial under­stood rate. This rate is non-nego­­tiable because it would refer to an already estab­lished legal cur­ren­cy com­pen­sat­ing for time. Let’s not mix the two. Do your own math. ;D Ros­es, Trib­utes, etc. are additional.
If your escorts rates are ask­ing 300 & up at the get-go. You most like­ly are deal­ing with the total. This is why a Masseur is half the rate of an escort. An escort may give mas­sages. But this is some­thing to talk about “Beyond the Points of Pretense”.

Exam­ples of what is NEVER accept­able if you have not got­ten “Beyond the Points of Pre­tense”. Mean­ing you do not trust the oth­er yet. You still have your clothes on you have not touched each oth­er. Per­son­al­ly, I would avoid details until.

Can I make love to you for $150 more”?

What could I get for this” *show of cash”?

Does your mas­sage ses­sion include get­ting topped”?

To say the least. You most like­ly: Won’t get a straight answer, get a polite dodge, or they will deny they offer such all togeth­er or at least “Beyond the Points of Presence”.

What is the going rate? Most companions/escorts will list their “full ser­vice” rate at the get-go. These are the rates that start at 350 “ros­es” and up. Porn Stars are known to request 550 “trib­utes” and up. If you are get­ting a Masseur like me. Who may or may not do “+Ser­vice”. Just know that the rea­son­able plus ser­vice escort is around or near 200 “dona­tion” addi­tion­al. Total, you should expect to spend between 330 & 550. This should include the base rate. If that is the rate plan the com­pan­ion is using. Note the more fit, youth­ful, mas­cu­line the com­pan­ion the more the ros­es. Expe­ri­ence, loca­tion are also fac­tors. You should have the total with you if get­ting lucky is some­thing your open to. Also, most com­pan­ions can take cred­it cards and alter­na­tives like v‑e‑n‑m‑o, etc. Check to see if they do if you need options.
With the advent of the new law in North Amer­i­ca. Com­pan­ions do not get to post their rates. To any U.S.-hosted sites any­way. So don’t be offend­ed when they respond with their rates to your ini­tial con­tact. Because of (FOSTA) 3erd par­ty U.S.-based sites like A4A,,, etc. are under oblig­a­tion to restrict your lan­guage both ways. Or they could face lia­bil­i­ty and be shut down. If you find your Masseur or Escort is danc­ing around specifics. It’s not because he is not inter­est­ed. It’s because he/she has read the agree­ments with these 3erd par­ty adver­tis­ing sites and does not want to get their pro­file shut down and banned from the site you are com­mu­ni­cat­ing through. This is what hap­pened to Back-Page. Pedophil­ia and Human Traf­fick­ing were already ille­gal. We know that this law is just an infringe­ment on our free speech fur­ther cen­sor­ing the North Amer­i­can internet.

But on the sub­ject of third par­ty sites Like A‑4‑A, G‑r‑i-n‑d‑r, S‑c‑r-u‑f‑f, ect. You do not want to have your explic­it con­ver­sa­tions on these site for the very fact that they are 3erd par­ty and con­sid­ered a “Man in the Mid­dle”. So as soon as you can you should con­tact your pre­ferred ser­vice provider direct­ly. A good escort/masseur will pro­vide you with direct con­tact ph# right off the bat. They don’t like their con­ver­sa­tions mon­i­tored any more than you do. Phone, Text, Email, Web­site, Once you have con­tact­ed them. You can speak more explic­it­ly and freely. But it is strong­ly advised until you know them “Beyond the Point of Pre­tense” you should use code terms when refer­ring to Full Ser­vice, + Ser­vice. Ros­es, Flow­ers, Trib­utes, Dona­tions. Nev­er a cur­ren­cy: Dol­lars, USD, Peso, CAD, etc.

Cur­ren­cy does not equate to sex. It’s that sim­ple. This is how adults talk about adult things in an oli­garchic, fas­cist gov­erned coun­try. If you under­stand the laws where you live. Then you know you are not FREE. So be care­ful and mind­ful, but don’t be afraid, and go get what you need.

Getting Ready for an Erotic Massage

Make sure to get thor­ough­ly cleaned up for your erot­ic mas­sage ses­sion. A sen­su­al mas­sage usu­al­ly means the therapist’s hands are not going to be lim­it­ed unless you let them know ahead of time where not to go. If you are on the go, the mas­sage therapist’s accom­mo­da­tions may include the use of a show­er. Inquire about this upon sched­ul­ing. It is a safe bet you can pre­pare your­self at their stu­dio before the ses­sion, and a show­er after is not a giv­en if they do not have the facil­i­ties. If a ther­a­pist offers show­er facil­i­ties, there is a good chance they will have some gen­er­al hygiene prod­ucts at your dis­pos­al, like deodor­ants, tooth­brush­es, floss, mouth­wash, soaps, con­di­tion­er, etc. You may want to con­sid­er bring­ing your own dis­pos­able douche.

Here is a check­list for cleaning.

  1. Douche. If you’re expect­ing to get a prostate mas­sage or are open to the idea but not sure what to expect, do the safe thing and be ready. 

  3. Show­er: Don’t for­get to wash inside your anus sphinc­ters and the val­ley of the glu­teus max­imus. The per­ineum tes­ti­cles & penis, or vagi­na and pubic region. Not all, but a few males also secrete their pheromones in their anal and per­ineum regions. If you’re the type who is on the pun­gent side, there is no rule say­ing you can’t use your cologne there. Now for the uncut. You should count your­selves very lucky that your par­ents were smart enough not to sub­ject you to gen­i­tal muti­la­tion. But you do have the addi­tion­al respon­si­bil­i­ty of keep­ing that pock­et cheese free.

  5. Toes: Make sure to clean in-between your toes and clip your toe­nails if you’re get­ting a foot massage. 

  7. Breath: Brush your teeth and tongue just in case your mas­sage ther­a­pist is will­ing to kiss you. 

  9. Fin­gers: If you’re a male and mutu­al touch is per­mit­ted, then clip your fin­ger­nails so you don’t scratch your ther­a­pist in any sen­si­tive spots. Girls, please be care­ful if you’re sport­ing those non-beveled claws. 

  11. Ears: One of the biggest sen­su­al but­tons is your ears. Depend­ing on how oral your ther­a­pist is, your ears may get some seri­ous atten­tion. If you’re an old­er male, you might want to look into wax­ing. This is where I get my wax­ing done in San Digo, CA 

  13. Arm Pits: If your body odor is on the pun­gent side, it is advis­able to wear your deodor­ant. Aerosol deodor­ants don’t inter­fere with most oils and creams. The dry deodor­ants, how­ev­er, will cause a bit of a sticky sit­u­a­tion. But there is noth­ing a ther­a­pist can­not work through. 

Some ther­a­pists will incor­po­rate a hot tow­el rou­tine to start. This is usu­al­ly a very enjoy­able expe­ri­ence. Heat is a way to get you rapid­ly relaxed while also ensur­ing you have a clean back­side. Yes, you’re get­ting your butt wiped. (lol) Don’t be embar­rassed; clean ther­a­pists just don’t like that kind of sur­prise and are used to the idea that some guys just aren’t that thor­ough. If you get embar­rassed eas­i­ly, don’t be that guy and pre­pare ahead of time.
If you have the flu or cold, call me any­time. Most of the pop­u­la­tion is still igno­rant of the fact that the cold and flu are just a flush­ing or clean­ing of your res­pi­ra­to­ry sys­tems. Colds are local­ized to the nasal pas­sages and flues, includ­ing both the nasal, lung, and some­times var­i­ous mus­cle groups. It is most often trig­gered by a sea­son­al drop in tem­per­a­ture and an increase in humid­i­ty. But it can also hap­pen if you are exposed to heavy air­borne par­tic­u­lates for long peri­ods of time. It ramps up your lym­phat­ic mucosa pro­duc­tion. The the­o­ry clos­er to the truth of your body’s func­tions is based on Ter­rain The­o­ry.
Know­ing this, it stands to rea­son that this is the per­fect time for a mas­sage. Despite con­ven­tion­al mis­in­for­ma­tion, break­ing up the tox­ins stored in your fat while going through this flush is ide­al. Eat­ing less food and drink­ing plen­ty of water is best. This will pro­vide the body with the hydrat­ing flu­ids it needs to pro­duce the mucus need­ed to flush the sys­tem quick­ly. Eat­ing less sim­ply slows down the rein­tro­duc­tion of more tox­ins. The mis­guid­ed med­ical prac­tice of allo­path­ic med­i­cine is mas­sive­ly brain­washed and mis­in­formed on this sub­ject. It is not their fault, real­ly. They still have trust in an allo­path­ic mod­el that is proven cor­rupt in prac­tice and edu­ca­tion. I per­son­al­ly know bet­ter than to make this mis­take again.



Benefits of a Gay Massage Therapist

The rep­u­ta­tion of a gay mas­sage ther­a­pist is very dif­fer­ent than it was just a few years ago. With the new­found accep­tance of the gay com­mu­ni­ty increas­ing every day, many peo­ple are com­ing to the real­iza­tion that these pro­fes­sion­als are capa­ble of pro­vid­ing a great ser­vice to a great many peo­ple. They give expert ther­a­py to those who are in need of relief from stress, anx­i­ety, sore mus­cles, over­worked joints, and a fraz­zled mind. It is true that a major­i­ty of the clients of a gay masseuse are oth­er gay males, but the num­ber of straight males who are choos­ing to get their rub­downs from these masseurs is increas­ing dra­mat­i­cal­ly, espe­cial­ly in the big­ger cities.

More straight males are find­ing that a gay mas­sage can real­ly pro­vide ser­vices that are ful­fill­ing ther­a­py-wise with­out any trace of eroti­cism what­so­ev­er. With the rise of the met­ro­sex­u­al male comes a huge increase in the busi­ness that many of these pro­fes­sion­als are get­ting. A met­ro­sex­u­al male is described as a straight man who real­ly grooms him­self very well, most often way more than the aver­age male would by get­ting man­i­cures and pedi­cures, for exam­ple. These guys are as straight as they come but are find­ing that the ben­e­fits of many ser­vices are well worth the time and mon­ey. Part of the group of ser­vices that fit right in with the met­ro­sex­u­al is a ses­sion with a male masseur. The most com­mon rea­son that is giv­en as to why straight men would see this type of pro­fes­sion­al as opposed to a female was sim­ple: because men have stronger hands and can dig into those knots and sore mus­cles much deep­er and bet­ter than a wom­an’s more petite hands can.

The ser­vices from a gay masseur are just as emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly sat­is­fy­ing as one from a female for these guys, but in addi­tion to that sat­is­fac­tion is also a sense of cama­raderie that is shared between males. Guys can talk it up with their bud­dies just as well as women can with their girl­friends, and get­ting a rub­down from a gay mas­suer offers oppor­tu­ni­ties to relax and unwind with one of the guys. For the guys who are gay, get­ting mas­sage ser­vices is con­sid­ered the ulti­mate expe­ri­ence for them, whether the point of ser­vice is ther­a­peu­tic, emo­tion­al, phys­i­cal, pla­ton­ic, or even if it is sexual.

Great Experience with Male Escorts

The word Male Escort today 99% of the time means A sex­u­al pro­fes­sion­al who knows how to read you and pro­vide you with your sex­u­al needs. Because he does it often he is con­sid­ered a pro. Usu­al­ly, he’s good-look­ing or charis­mat­ic and makes you feel good when you’re together.

You may find your­self on those NSA social sites look­ing through the oth­er men like prod­ucts on a shelf and for some rea­son or anoth­er you want the built good-look­ing guy. But then those self-defeat­ing issues over­come you. What if he’s a total snob and rejects me. What if he looks good but does­n’t know the first thing about sex. These things just don’t hap­pen with an expe­ri­enced escort.

When look­ing for your escort. Notice the site your on. This is usu­al­ly the first indi­ca­tor of whether you’re going to be deal­ing with a sex­u­al pro. or a so-called “legit escort”. If there are nude shots of the escort. This means he does more than accom­pa­ny your side and attend social events with you. But then at the very least he may pick and choose his inti­mate clien­tele. The sec­ond indi­ca­tor is an hourly rate. A Sex­u­al Escort will quote 300 dona­tions and up per hr. A non-sex­u­al, event com­pan­ion or guide escort will start to be between $100 and $140. max. But don’t let that fool you. He may just not post Full Ser­vice. Pic­tures are also a tell. Ask your­self; is he show­ing off his cock, body, or is all the pic­tures of him ful­ly clothed. The best advice I can give when choos­ing between your pre­ferred Sex­u­al Escorts is to. Read his Ad. and pre­sume to read between the lines. Also, read his reviews. Males love their sex­u­al dou­ble­s­peak. You will be able to see the mean­ing between the lines if you are sex­u­al­ly active. Look for fake reviews. It does­n’t hap­pen often, but it’s a pos­si­bil­i­ty. Today most are inter­net savvy and can tell. But if you need a guide on the tells here are 2 short videos to fill you in. 1, 2.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly in most back­ward soci­eties. Like the USA. Dog­mas have pushed its ideals on soci­ety. Most often in spite of our human nature. For exam­ple, laws are put forth for one rea­son but always encom­pass many per­fect­ly vic­­tim-less cir­cum­stances. Which real­ly isn’t ille­gal at all. But inten­tion­al­ly laws are not just writ­ten for only the vic­tims. Take pros­ti­tu­tion for exam­ple. Under the guise of pro­tect­ing under­age minors from abu­sive pedophil­ia or slav­ery. Witch, I am all for BTW. Laws are writ­ten with broad encom­pass­ing terms to ensure they ensnare as many sit­u­a­tions as pos­si­ble. Why? To keep those uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, ille­gal pri­vate pris­ons full. This process itself should be ille­gal. Why? Because it does cre­ate vic­tims of these police state laws. What­ev­er state you are in, the USA. Just don’t equate any type of estab­lished cur­ren­cy to a sex­u­al act. Code terms like ros­es, dona­tion, trib­ute are just that. One unit of these code terms equals one unit of cur­ren­cy. If you are in the USA it is US Dol­lars and so on. So to be clear 120 ros­es = $120. 😉 But 120 ros­es means 120 ros­es if I’m going to engage. 😉

Just like the term Con­spir­a­cy The­o­rists once a cred­i­ble term weaponized by the CIA is restor­ing itself back to its hon­or­able term mean­ing an ana­lyt­i­cal thinker. Giv­en the fact that so many con­spir­a­cies have turned out to be true or clos­est to the truth in recent his­to­ry and most cer­tain­ly the past. The word pros­ti­tu­tion is also regain­ing its real mean­ing unteth­ered to social judge­ment. It is just a con­ve­nience for the busy man or woman that is in line with our human nature. The mod­ern male or female if they are not affect­ed by Dog­ma brain­wash­ing is OK with his true nature.

The act for a man to take cock up the ass and mas­sage his prostates has been proven to be apart of our nature and many oth­er species for that mat­ter. So don’t be sur­prised when it feels so plea­sur­able. Anoth­er lie out there is that this act caus­es prostate can­cer. We now know that con­di­tion lies most­ly with the nitrates and sul­fates in our food (name­ly processed dried meats, and most wines). Our sex­u­al needs do not define us. But we real­ize we have these sex­u­al needs and we address them, as adults should. Not doing so will progress to an unhealthy men­tal state.

In today’s USA, we are slav­ing away to stay out of debt or TRY to get ahead. And when you look at how locked down and rigged our soci­ety and the mon­i­to­ry sys­tem is. From an overview, we are real­iz­ing we are all slaves to it. But pros­ti­tu­tion is alive and well for many rea­sons I’m not going to go into. But the main one, sup­ply and demand of stress relief, and human touch. It’s nice to know you can find some­one who knows how to make love to you, hold you, and talk in real terms that val­i­date our true human nature. Whether we like it hard and rough or slow soft and affec­tion­ate. Good Male Escorts are in demand because they can accom­mo­date a wide spec­trum of needs.

If you are the kind of guy who wants to ease into a sit­u­a­tion. Then I sug­gest a Masseur / Escort. With a Masseur Escort, you will most like­ly be giv­en a Mas­sage rate. But if sex is some­thing you want after meet­ing him. Then the escort rate is usu­al­ly dou­ble the 60 min­utes / hourly rate. If you’re not sure and want the escort option. Ask him how many more roses/donations/tributes are advised. Masseurs usu­al­ly work with rou­tines. When it comes to the time of the encounter. You’ll know when that is. At this point, you will be giv­en the option. Just don’t equate any legal­ly estab­lished cur­ren­cy to a sex­u­al act at least in the USA or at least before you and exchanged touching.

Not all men are cut out to be Escorts. But the ones who are, usu­al­ly are very seduc­tive. So if it is your fan­ta­sy to be a bot­tom. Be ready for such an encounter. Good sex is sex pre­pared for. Bot­toms should clean 30 min before their encounter. Tops should bring protection.

Bare­back­ing has become an issue. STDs are on the rise because of: Prep. How­ev­er, you should be very aware Prep does not keep you safe from Oth­ers. Syphilis, Gon­or­rhea, and Chlamy­dia. “Note I do not include the fake virus­es”. All virus­es are a lie. Not there yet? You will be if you start pay­ing atten­tion to inde­pen­dent news and not. Although these things can be cured with prompt treat­ment. The symp­toms and absti­nence are a damper of fun for a bit. Best to be safe. Put that rain­coat on or the bot­tom should reach back and grab the base of that cock and con­firm the lip the nip­ple there. ;D


Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage

Peo­ple who want to get a mas­sage are often con­fused between the dif­fer­ent modal­i­ties of mas­sage. They will often ask for A Deep Tis­sue. But what they real­ly mean to ask their ther­a­pist is “I want more or heav­ier pres­sure”. How­ev­er, when you tell a mas­sage ther­a­pist you want A Deep Tis­sue. You may be in for a sur­prise once your ses­sion starts. Deep can hurt and may make you feel sore days after. That is why the CMT is quick to ask “Are you sure you want a Deep Tis­sue”? You may know the dif­fer­ences, but it has been my expe­ri­ence that most do not until they have expe­ri­enced both. But even after that, most tend to iden­ti­fy them as the same, when in fact, most mas­sage modal­i­ties are unique. This is the case with Swedish and Deep Tis­sue Massages.

The Swedish mas­sage involves five basic prin­ci­ples, which include: Giv­ing long and smooth strokes; gen­tle knead­ing of the mus­cles; apply­ing ther­a­peu­tic fric­tion; tap­ping, and pro­vid­ing con­stant vibra­tion. The com­bi­na­tion of these tech­niques ensures max­i­mum cir­cu­la­tion and relax­ation to all sur­face mus­cles. Giv­ing the Masseur the tools to cus­tomize a ses­sion accord­ing to the needs of the client. It is no won­der why Swedish is the most pop­u­lar among clien­tèle and prac­ti­tion­ers. Once the word got around of its unde­ni­able ther­a­peu­tic ben­e­fits. It estab­lished itself rather quickly.

The oth­er very pop­u­lar mas­sage type is Deep Tis­sue. It tar­gets three cen­tral mus­cu­lar regions, name­ly: The neck area, the back, and also the fas­cia (con­nec­tive tis­sues). The mas­sage is called by this name because it is real­ly intend­ed to pen­e­trate deep­er into the under­ly­ing mus­cle lay­ers. The mas­sage is meant to care­ful­ly ease out all those strained mus­cles below the sur­face groups.

As well, many of the prin­ci­ples used for Deep Tis­sue Mas­sage are also present in Swedish, but Deep Tis­sue is rather more force­ful in nature. More­over, this form of mas­sage focus­es on prob­lem areas. This means that it tar­gets the stiff mus­cle regions that are over­ly stressed, rather than work­ing the whole seg­ment­ed area. How­ev­er, no mat­ter how nat­u­ral­ly intense this mas­sage can be, it will not hurt as much as many peo­ple have come to believe. It may be the dis­turb­ing depth at which the ther­a­pist reach­es under the lay­ers with­in the body and the sore­ness after­ward that may turn some away. How­ev­er, don’t ignore this type of mas­sage. Because the fact that it is very effec­tive and has longer-last­ing results is ide­al for some. The results of deep tis­sue can last 4 to 5 weeks, where­as a Swedish will be only 2 or 3. Grant­ed 2 or 3 my be all you need most of the time.
1. Swedish is a gen­tler and soft­er mas­sage com­pared to the more intense and force­ful deep tis­sue massage.
2. Swedish is best for those who have very sen­si­tive skin types, that bear rash­es eas­i­ly, most espe­cial­ly when pow­er­ful fric­tion and rub­bing is applied.
3. Swedish is the mas­sage of choice for those who are look­ing to relieve nor­mal stress lev­els from work or home issues. But if you are not up for A Deep Tis­sue. Just ask for heavy pres­sure dur­ing your mas­sage if you feel it is not as intense as you would like.
4. Deep Tis­sue is for those who are in chron­ic pain, were involved in any stren­u­ous activ­i­ties, or who are con­tin­u­al­ly trou­bled by pre­vi­ous injuries. This tech­nique is very effec­tive and has longer-last­ing results. It can be dis­turbing­ly deep and may leave you sore for 3 to 4 days after.

I myself get a Deep Tis­sue every six months. I per­son­al­ly find it very renew­ing to get bro­ken down thoroughly.

The Gay Masseur

Even though some peo­ple are uncom­fort­able with receiv­ing a rub­down from a gay mas­sage ther­a­pist, it is easy to under­stand why so many are com­plete­ly relaxed with it. Plen­ty of men (gay or straight) pre­fer going to a male masseur, whether the masseur is straight or not. Many men wor­ry that they might become aroused dur­ing a ses­sion. And the woman may not under­stand that it is a phys­i­cal reac­tion and not per­son­al­ly arousal toward her. Many women in the med­ical field know this about male anato­my. How­ev­er, how they may react to it social­ly is based on them. Either way, most women in a clin­i­cal set­ting don’t want to deal with an embar­rass­ing erec­tion. It is for this rea­son that many men pre­fer to go to a pro­fes­sion­al fel­low man. Even with a straight man, you may not run across a super straight une­d­u­cat­ed type and he may think you are turned on by him.

Some straight men may be uncom­fort­able going to a gay mas­sage ther­a­pist, but in the same token, many gay men may be uncom­fort­able get­ting a mas­sage from a straight masseur. Many gay men turn to masseurs that are also homo­sex­u­al, but they can be dif­fi­cult to find since many mas­sage busi­ness­es do not want to spe­cial­ize but keep their book­ings full by not address­ing this male dilemma.

How­ev­er, the ben­e­fits are worth doing a lit­tle detec­tive work to find a place that they are com­fort­able with. Those who are straight can enjoy a rub­down with­out the stress of wor­ry­ing about sex­u­al con­tact. It is thought that when a straight man can get a good mas­sage from anoth­er man it reduces feel­ings of inse­cu­ri­ty and it can also increase self-esteem. There are some psy­cho­log­i­cal ben­e­fits to good phys­i­cal rubdowns!

Going to a gay mas­sage ther­a­pist has its ben­e­fits to a gay man too because the ele­ment or fear of feel­ing ostra­cized or out of place dis­ap­pears. The entire point of a mas­sage is to com­plete­ly relax, but this is very hard to do when you don’t feel like you fit in with the rest of the clien­tele at a place or even with the staff, for that mat­ter. Know­ing that you have noth­ing to fear with your spe­cif­ic masseur can real­ly alle­vi­ate anxiety.

It is rec­om­mend­ed that every man, no mat­ter what his sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion is able to expe­ri­ence the sat­is­fac­tion of receiv­ing a ther­a­peu­tic rub­down from a straight or gay mas­sage ther­a­pist in a non­judg­men­tal and social­ly pos­i­tive atmos­phere. Whether that means hav­ing a gay or straight man giv­ing the mas­sage, the choice should be up to the client. Thank­ful­ly these days there are many excel­lent resources on the Inter­net for find­ing a masseur in your area that will be able to cater to any of your needs with many dif­fer­ent types of ther­a­pies and tech­niques, whether you choose a straight or a gay mas­sage therapist.