In-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $130
90 minute ~ $180
Out-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $190
90 minute ~ $210
This Swedish-based massage ensures a legitimate effective routine alleviating sore, fatigue, tight aching & pains by a certified, and consistently 5 stars rated masseur. This mutually nude routine is erotic by blending in the Tantric modality. It will excite your body’s chemistry and energy. Unless indicated no regions will be neglected. If you opt for the 90 min session. My steady but determine touch will earn your trust letting me ease in beyond your retentive guard to your prostate. You will recognize I’ll be in touch with your rhythm and allowance. The 90 min also gives time for a reflexology foot massage. I aim to please and you’ll be happy, you came, by the end. 😉
In-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $90
90 minute ~ $130
Out-Call ⓘ
60 minute ~ $120
90 minute ~ $160
This Swedish-based massage ensures a legitimate effective routine alleviating sore, fatigue, tight aching & pains by a certified, and consistently 5 stars rated masseur. I will be clothed and you have the option to be draped or not. This routine is without mutual touch, and a blending of Sport, Pressure Point Therapy. The groin area is not included. It will be as focused or general as you wish. If you opt for the 90 min session. It will allow time for a reflexology foot massage and those overdue stretches. The pressure is custom for your individual density. You will leave lighter and in a state of relaxation & a noticeable increase in range of motion.
- Call or txt: 619.796.6310
- Hours of Operation: 10am to 10pm ⓘ
- I taxi round trip for $30 ⓘ
- Stats ⓘ
- Location: Clairemont Area ⓘ
- Cash preferred / Credit Cards Accepted
- Schedule via phone or text
- I protect your privacy
- Rates Are Non-Negotiable
- No Show. No Re-Schedule
- Acquiring a Companion USA Etiquette
Acquiring An Escort In North America Etiquette
1. Masseur / Companions don’t sell sex for Established Legal Currencies.
2. First things first. Know your service provider’s base rates before you meet. These are not negotiable later to avoid talking currency. Additions require code terms.
3. When referring to compensation. “Before the Points Of Pretense” Use code terms. Roses, donations, tributes, kisses, hearts.
4. All done? Did they blow your mind? Tips are encouraged but never required. The average is 20 tributes.
“Beyond the Points Of Pretense” is referenced several times throughout this article. This is the point in which you are comfortable and know you are not dealing with a slavery/extortioner entrapment criminal.
An oppressive officer for the prison industrial complex. Cannot get naked. Cannot touch you sexually. If he is naked and intends to lie in court. Cannot easily hide recording devices. Getting beyond the three points checklist is advisable if you are not good at reading people.
1. Potential clients/companions. have undressed.
2. You have touched each other in an intimate manner.
3. All electronic devices are put away beyond sound recording.
This is when you can drop the cliche pretense language. I prefer direct talk. However I will not until I read you in person, and if you are hard to read. I will rely on the 3 points as should you.
YOUR MINDSET SHOULD BE: Masseurs/companions only charge for their time. What you and your masseur/companion do as consenting adults should only be discussed in the context of intimacy, and NEVER as a financial transaction for sexual acts. Until “Beyond the Points of Pretense” This is out of respect for yourself, & the masseur/companion.
Why? Let’s be clear and honest. To loophole through backward U.S. laws purposely written to include victim-less situations. Brought to us under the pretense to protect underage minors and human trafficking. Witch human rites advocates like your average companion agree with completely. However, the public did not agree to the broad scoping terminology deliberately and methodically used by corporate legislators like ALEC working for the prison industrial complex. Creating victims of honest working companions and companion seekers.
When meeting your companion for the first time. After exposing or touching one another intimately is the point beyond any ploy of entrapment can go. After this point, no case would be presented. After this point, the ice is broken and you should feel safe enough to drop the pretense. But if you are still not comfortable yet by all means keep obscuring what is said. But just note using pretense when you don’t need to does make you sound a little dim. Like wearing a mask knowing there is no pandemic.
It should also be said that the likelihood of any police force out to entrap gay prostitution is NIL to NONE. Why? Because luckily for the Gay Escort community. The police force is plagued with low IQ, & misogynist homophobes. The misogyny and anti-humanistic dogma views have even infected the women officers. The heterosexual vise is common. Because it is socially acceptable in their conservative brainwashed upbringing. The vise thug could be either companion or client, female or male. But generally, the victim is the female companion. The john is used for extortion of money or dirty deeds. This is our corrupt society. Help change it or get used to it. But at the very least know how to navigate it.
The best time to discuss fantasies is before you even meet via email. If the Companion entertains your fantasy they will respond to the initiated plot. People are complicated and so are their mental proclivities. One may like humiliation but not sex. Most escorts may make this mistake. So be detailed about what gives you mental pleasure. Especially if it is not the norm or you haven’t found anyone to hit the nail on the head as of yet. The best way to do this is to describe your ideal encounter. If it is not their specialty they will not entertain the subject and either refer you to someone else who will, or gently decline an engagement. Try to mention your kind of freak in the first email to save time.
Know your freak. Here is a web sex dictionary no sexually active person today should be without. Urban Dictionary.
Knowing that cell phones and tablets are recording devices. Expect that your devices may be required to be put away. If this is your companion’s preference. They will provide that place for you if they are hosting. If it’s an out-call. They may request you put yours in the bathroom or wrap it up in your clothes in a drawer. But this goes both ways. You can request the same without any reservation of your companion.
Examples of dialog, of what is acceptable talk “before! the Points of Pretense”:
Seeker: “Can I get you some roses”
Sought: “I’d love 200”, “Should I expect them today?”
Seeker: “Yes or No”.
Seeker: “What kind of donation is usually asked for these days?”
Sought: “I’ve heard 200” “Are you feeling like getting serious with someone?”.
Seeker: “Yes or No”.
The conversation is the obscurity. Answers should be definitive. When it comes to a yes or no question the answer should be yes or no. The answer is the point at which you are agreeing or not. And allowed to say so without compromise. Don’t confuse the conversation with maybe. To the companion, maybe means no. And most importantly, NO is a perfectly good answer. Don’t be afraid to say it.
The point of the analogy/entendre conversation is to give an out if one or the other in the conversation is trying to entrap the other with recording it. But best play it safe and just have a detailed conversation “Beyond the Point of Pretense”. In court, you need direct language and absolutes to charge someone with anything. If intimacy will get you there the escort is perfectly willing to go there so do not be shy. An advance can simply be a misunderstanding if that should be the case. But after that advance, there is no need to stay in ambiguity. Because it is in both of your interests to get to that point. If either party is not working to that quick goal. Well, something is amiss. Don’t stick around to find out what. If someone is insistent to hash out details beforehand. It’s not normal at all. And now you know why escorts are evasive at first. Not because they don’t want to do biz. They just don’t want to talk explicit business with someone who is either unaware of how to navigate the conversation. Not because it’s all a hustle. Most escorts are honest. They just don’t like to take risks before getting you “Beyond the Points of Pretense”.
Understand that these negotiations do not ever refer to the initial understood rate. This rate is non-negotiable because it would refer to an already established legal currency compensating for time. Let’s not mix the two. Do your own math. ;D Roses, Tributes, etc. are additional.
If your escorts rates are asking 300 & up at the get-go. You most likely are dealing with the total. This is why a Masseur is half the rate of an escort. An escort may give massages. But this is something to talk about “Beyond the Points of Pretense”.
Examples of what is NEVER acceptable if you have not gotten “Beyond the Points of Pretense”. Meaning you do not trust the other yet. You still have your clothes on you have not touched each other. Personally, I would avoid details until.
“Can I make love to you for $150 more”?
“What could I get for this” *show of cash”?
“Does your massage session include getting topped”?
To say the least. You most likely: Won’t get a straight answer, get a polite dodge, or they will deny they offer such all together or at least “Beyond the Points of Presence”.
What is the going rate? Most companions/escorts will list their “full service” rate at the get-go. These are the rates that start at 350 “roses” and up. Porn Stars are known to request 550 “tributes” and up. If you are getting a Masseur like me. Who may or may not do “+Service”. Just know that the reasonable plus service escort is around or near 200 “donation” additional. Total, you should expect to spend between 330 & 550. This should include the base rate. If that is the rate plan the companion is using. Note the more fit, youthful, masculine the companion the more the roses. Experience, location are also factors. You should have the total with you if getting lucky is something your open to. Also, most companions can take credit cards and alternatives like v‑e‑n‑m‑o, etc. Check to see if they do if you need options.
With the advent of the new law in North America. Companions do not get to post their rates. To any U.S.-hosted sites anyway. So don’t be offended when they respond with their rates to your initial contact. Because of (FOSTA) 3erd party U.S.-based sites like A4A,,, etc. are under obligation to restrict your language both ways. Or they could face liability and be shut down. If you find your Masseur or Escort is dancing around specifics. It’s not because he is not interested. It’s because he/she has read the agreements with these 3erd party advertising sites and does not want to get their profile shut down and banned from the site you are communicating through. This is what happened to Back-Page. Pedophilia and Human Trafficking were already illegal. We know that this law is just an infringement on our free speech further censoring the North American internet.
But on the subject of third party sites Like A‑4‑A, G‑r‑i-n‑d‑r, S‑c‑r-u‑f‑f, ect. You do not want to have your explicit conversations on these site for the very fact that they are 3erd party and considered a “Man in the Middle”. So as soon as you can you should contact your preferred service provider directly. A good escort/masseur will provide you with direct contact ph# right off the bat. They don’t like their conversations monitored any more than you do. Phone, Text, Email, Website, Once you have contacted them. You can speak more explicitly and freely. But it is strongly advised until you know them “Beyond the Point of Pretense” you should use code terms when referring to Full Service, + Service. Roses, Flowers, Tributes, Donations. Never a currency: Dollars, USD, Peso, CAD, etc.
Currency does not equate to sex. It’s that simple. This is how adults talk about adult things in an oligarchic, fascist governed country. If you understand the laws where you live. Then you know you are not FREE. So be careful and mindful, but don’t be afraid, and go get what you need.
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Getting Ready for an Erotic Massage
Here is a checklist for cleaning.
- Douche. If you’re expecting to get a prostate massage or are open to the idea but not sure what to expect, do the safe thing and be ready.
- Shower: Don’t forget to wash inside your anus sphincters and the valley of the gluteus maximus. The perineum testicles & penis, or vagina and pubic region. Not all, but a few males also secrete their pheromones in their anal and perineum regions. If you’re the type who is on the pungent side, there is no rule saying you can’t use your cologne there. Now for the uncut. You should count yourselves very lucky that your parents were smart enough not to subject you to genital mutilation. But you do have the additional responsibility of keeping that pocket cheese free.
- Toes: Make sure to clean in-between your toes and clip your toenails if you’re getting a foot massage.
- Breath: Brush your teeth and tongue just in case your massage therapist is willing to kiss you.
- Fingers: If you’re a male and mutual touch is permitted, then clip your fingernails so you don’t scratch your therapist in any sensitive spots. Girls, please be careful if you’re sporting those non-beveled claws.
- Ears: One of the biggest sensual buttons is your ears. Depending on how oral your therapist is, your ears may get some serious attention. If you’re an older male, you might want to look into waxing. This is where I get my waxing done in San Digo, CA
- Arm Pits: If your body odor is on the pungent side, it is advisable to wear your deodorant. Aerosol deodorants don’t interfere with most oils and creams. The dry deodorants, however, will cause a bit of a sticky situation. But there is nothing a therapist cannot work through.
Some therapists will incorporate a hot towel routine to start. This is usually a very enjoyable experience. Heat is a way to get you rapidly relaxed while also ensuring you have a clean backside. Yes, you’re getting your butt wiped. (lol) Don’t be embarrassed; clean therapists just don’t like that kind of surprise and are used to the idea that some guys just aren’t that thorough. If you get embarrassed easily, don’t be that guy and prepare ahead of time.
If you have the flu or cold, call me anytime. Most of the population is still ignorant of the fact that the cold and flu are just a flushing or cleaning of your respiratory systems. Colds are localized to the nasal passages and flues, including both the nasal, lung, and sometimes various muscle groups. It is most often triggered by a seasonal drop in temperature and an increase in humidity. But it can also happen if you are exposed to heavy airborne particulates for long periods of time. It ramps up your lymphatic mucosa production. The theory closer to the truth of your body’s functions is based on Terrain Theory.
Knowing this, it stands to reason that this is the perfect time for a massage. Despite conventional misinformation, breaking up the toxins stored in your fat while going through this flush is ideal. Eating less food and drinking plenty of water is best. This will provide the body with the hydrating fluids it needs to produce the mucus needed to flush the system quickly. Eating less simply slows down the reintroduction of more toxins. The misguided medical practice of allopathic medicine is massively brainwashed and misinformed on this subject. It is not their fault, really. They still have trust in an allopathic model that is proven corrupt in practice and education. I personally know better than to make this mistake again.
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- panels_data: a:3:{s:7:“widgets”;a:1:{i:0;a:9:{s:5:“title”;s:0:””;s:4:“text”;s:5230:“Make sure to get thoroughly cleaned up for your erotic massage session. A sensual massage usually means the therapist’s hands are not going to be limited unless you let them know ahead of time where not to go. If you are on the go, the massage therapist’s accommodations may include the use of a shower. Inquire about this upon scheduling. It is a safe bet you can prepare yourself at their studio before the session, and a shower after is not a given if they do not have the facilities. If a therapist offers shower facilities, there is a good chance they will have some general hygiene products at your disposal, like deodorants, toothbrushes, floss, mouthwash, soaps, conditioner, etc. You may want to consider bringing your own disposable douche.
Here is a checklist for cleaning.
- Douche. If you’re expecting to get a prostate massage or are open to the idea but not sure what to expect, do the safe thing and be ready.
- Shower: Don’t forget to wash inside your anus sphincters and the valley of the gluteus maximus. The perineum testicles & penis, or vagina and pubic region. Not all, but a few males also secrete their pheromones in their anal and perineum regions. If you’re the type who is on the pungent side, there is no rule saying you can’t use your cologne there. Now for the uncut. You should count yourselves very lucky that your parents were smart enough not to subject you to genital mutilation. But you do have the additional responsibility of keeping that pocket cheese free.
- Toes: Make sure to clean in-between your toes and clip your toenails if you’re getting a foot massage.
- Breath: Brush your teeth and tongue just in case your massage therapist is willing to kiss you.
- Fingers: If you’re a male and mutual touch is permitted, then clip your fingernails so you don’t scratch your therapist in any sensitive spots. Girls, please be careful if you’re sporting those non-beveled claws.
- Ears: One of the biggest sensual buttons is your ears. Depending on how oral your therapist is, your ears may get some serious attention. If you’re an older male, you might want to look into waxing. This is where I get my waxing done in San Digo, CA
- Arm Pits: If your body odor is on the pungent side, it is advisable to wear your deodorant. Aerosol deodorants don’t interfere with most oils and creams. The dry deodorants, however, will cause a bit of a sticky situation. But there is nothing a therapist cannot work through.
- ct_afc_impressions: 4330
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Benefits of a Gay Massage Therapist
The reputation of a gay massage therapist is very different than it was just a few years ago. With the newfound acceptance of the gay community increasing every day, many people are coming to the realization that these professionals are capable of providing a great service to a great many people. They give expert therapy to those who are in need of relief from stress, anxiety, sore muscles, overworked joints, and a frazzled mind. It is true that a majority of the clients of a gay masseuse are other gay males, but the number of straight males who are choosing to get their rubdowns from these masseurs is increasing dramatically, especially in the bigger cities.
More straight males are finding that a gay massage can really provide services that are fulfilling therapy-wise without any trace of eroticism whatsoever. With the rise of the metrosexual male comes a huge increase in the business that many of these professionals are getting. A metrosexual male is described as a straight man who really grooms himself very well, most often way more than the average male would by getting manicures and pedicures, for example. These guys are as straight as they come but are finding that the benefits of many services are well worth the time and money. Part of the group of services that fit right in with the metrosexual is a session with a male masseur. The most common reason that is given as to why straight men would see this type of professional as opposed to a female was simple: because men have stronger hands and can dig into those knots and sore muscles much deeper and better than a woman’s more petite hands can.
The services from a gay masseur are just as emotionally and physically satisfying as one from a female for these guys, but in addition to that satisfaction is also a sense of camaraderie that is shared between males. Guys can talk it up with their buddies just as well as women can with their girlfriends, and getting a rubdown from a gay massuer offers opportunities to relax and unwind with one of the guys. For the guys who are gay, getting massage services is considered the ultimate experience for them, whether the point of service is therapeutic, emotional, physical, platonic, or even if it is sexual.
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The reputation of a gay massage therapist is very different than it was just a few years ago. With the newfound acceptance of the gay community increasing every day, many people are coming to the realization that these professionals are capable of providing a great service to a great many people. They give expert therapy to those who are in need of relief from stress, anxiety, sore muscles, overworked joints, and a frazzled mind. It is true that a majority of the clients of a gay masseuse are other gay males, but the number of straight males who are choosing to get their rubdowns from these masseurs is increasing dramatically, especially in the bigger cities.
More straight males are finding that a gay massage can really provide services that are fulfilling therapy-wise without any trace of eroticism whatsoever. With the rise of the metrosexual male comes a huge increase in the business that many of these professionals are getting. A metrosexual male is described as a straight man who really grooms himself very well, most often way more than the average male would by getting manicures and pedicures, for example. These guys are as straight as they come but are finding that the benefits of many services are well worth the time and money. Part of the group of services that fit right in with the metrosexual is a session with a male masseur. The most common reason that is given as to why straight men would see this type of professional as opposed to a female was simple: because men have stronger hands and can dig into those knots and sore muscles much deeper and better than a woman’s more petite hands can.
The services from a gay masseur are just as emotionally and physically satisfying as one from a female for these guys, but in addition to that satisfaction is also a sense of camaraderie that is shared between males. Guys can talk it up with their buddies just as well as women can with their girlfriends, and getting a rubdown from a gay massuer offers opportunities to relax and unwind with one of the guys. For the guys who are gay, getting massage services is considered the ultimate experience for them, whether the point of service is therapeutic, emotional, physical, platonic, or even if it is sexual.
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Great Experience with Male Escorts
The word Male Escort today 99% of the time means A sexual professional who knows how to read you and provide you with your sexual needs. Because he does it often he is considered a pro. Usually, he’s good-looking or charismatic and makes you feel good when you’re together.
You may find yourself on those NSA social sites looking through the other men like products on a shelf and for some reason or another you want the built good-looking guy. But then those self-defeating issues overcome you. What if he’s a total snob and rejects me. What if he looks good but doesn’t know the first thing about sex. These things just don’t happen with an experienced escort.
When looking for your escort. Notice the site your on. This is usually the first indicator of whether you’re going to be dealing with a sexual pro. or a so-called “legit escort”. If there are nude shots of the escort. This means he does more than accompany your side and attend social events with you. But then at the very least he may pick and choose his intimate clientele. The second indicator is an hourly rate. A Sexual Escort will quote 300 donations and up per hr. A non-sexual, event companion or guide escort will start to be between $100 and $140. max. But don’t let that fool you. He may just not post Full Service. Pictures are also a tell. Ask yourself; is he showing off his cock, body, or is all the pictures of him fully clothed. The best advice I can give when choosing between your preferred Sexual Escorts is to. Read his Ad. and presume to read between the lines. Also, read his reviews. Males love their sexual doublespeak. You will be able to see the meaning between the lines if you are sexually active. Look for fake reviews. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s a possibility. Today most are internet savvy and can tell. But if you need a guide on the tells here are 2 short videos to fill you in. 1, 2.
Unfortunately in most backward societies. Like the USA. Dogmas have pushed its ideals on society. Most often in spite of our human nature. For example, laws are put forth for one reason but always encompass many perfectly victim-less circumstances. Which really isn’t illegal at all. But intentionally laws are not just written for only the victims. Take prostitution for example. Under the guise of protecting underage minors from abusive pedophilia or slavery. Witch, I am all for BTW. Laws are written with broad encompassing terms to ensure they ensnare as many situations as possible. Why? To keep those unconstitutional, illegal private prisons full. This process itself should be illegal. Why? Because it does create victims of these police state laws. Whatever state you are in, the USA. Just don’t equate any type of established currency to a sexual act. Code terms like roses, donation, tribute are just that. One unit of these code terms equals one unit of currency. If you are in the USA it is US Dollars and so on. So to be clear 120 roses = $120. 😉 But 120 roses means 120 roses if I’m going to engage. 😉
Just like the term Conspiracy Theorists once a credible term weaponized by the CIA is restoring itself back to its honorable term meaning an analytical thinker. Given the fact that so many conspiracies have turned out to be true or closest to the truth in recent history and most certainly the past. The word prostitution is also regaining its real meaning untethered to social judgement. It is just a convenience for the busy man or woman that is in line with our human nature. The modern male or female if they are not affected by Dogma brainwashing is OK with his true nature.
The act for a man to take cock up the ass and massage his prostates has been proven to be apart of our nature and many other species for that matter. So don’t be surprised when it feels so pleasurable. Another lie out there is that this act causes prostate cancer. We now know that condition lies mostly with the nitrates and sulfates in our food (namely processed dried meats, and most wines). Our sexual needs do not define us. But we realize we have these sexual needs and we address them, as adults should. Not doing so will progress to an unhealthy mental state.
In today’s USA, we are slaving away to stay out of debt or TRY to get ahead. And when you look at how locked down and rigged our society and the monitory system is. From an overview, we are realizing we are all slaves to it. But prostitution is alive and well for many reasons I’m not going to go into. But the main one, supply and demand of stress relief, and human touch. It’s nice to know you can find someone who knows how to make love to you, hold you, and talk in real terms that validate our true human nature. Whether we like it hard and rough or slow soft and affectionate. Good Male Escorts are in demand because they can accommodate a wide spectrum of needs.
If you are the kind of guy who wants to ease into a situation. Then I suggest a Masseur / Escort. With a Masseur Escort, you will most likely be given a Massage rate. But if sex is something you want after meeting him. Then the escort rate is usually double the 60 minutes / hourly rate. If you’re not sure and want the escort option. Ask him how many more roses/donations/tributes are advised. Masseurs usually work with routines. When it comes to the time of the encounter. You’ll know when that is. At this point, you will be given the option. Just don’t equate any legally established currency to a sexual act at least in the USA or at least before you and exchanged touching.
Not all men are cut out to be Escorts. But the ones who are, usually are very seductive. So if it is your fantasy to be a bottom. Be ready for such an encounter. Good sex is sex prepared for. Bottoms should clean 30 min before their encounter. Tops should bring protection.
Barebacking has become an issue. STDs are on the rise because of: Prep. However, you should be very aware Prep does not keep you safe from Others. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia. “Note I do not include the fake viruses”. All viruses are a lie. Not there yet? You will be if you start paying attention to independent news and not. Although these things can be cured with prompt treatment. The symptoms and abstinence are a damper of fun for a bit. Best to be safe. Put that raincoat on or the bottom should reach back and grab the base of that cock and confirm the lip the nipple there. ;D
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The word Male Escort today 99% of the time means A sexual professional who knows how to read you and provide you with your sexual needs. Because he does it often he is considered a pro. Usually, he’s good-looking or charismatic and makes you feel good when you’re together.
You may find yourself on those NSA social sites looking through the other men like products on a shelf and for some reason or another you want the built good-looking guy. But then those self-defeating issues overcome you. What if he’s a total snob and rejects me. What if he looks good but doesn’t know the first thing about sex. These things just don’t happen with an experienced escort.
When looking for your escort. Notice the site your on. This is usually the first indicator of whether you’re going to be dealing with a sexual pro. or a so-called “legit escort”. If there are nude shots of the escort. This means he does more than accompany your side and attend social events with you. But then at the very least he may pick and choose his intimate clientele. The second indicator is an hourly rate. A Sexual Escort will quote 300 donations and up per hr. A non-sexual, event companion or guide escort will start to be between $100 and $140. max. But don’t let that fool you. He may just not post Full Service. Pictures are also a tell. Ask yourself; is he showing off his cock, body, or is all the pictures of him fully clothed. The best advice I can give when choosing between your preferred Sexual Escorts is to. Read his Ad. and presume to read between the lines. Also, read his reviews. Males love their sexual doublespeak. You will be able to see the meaning between the lines if you are sexually active. Look for fake reviews. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s a possibility. Today most are internet savvy and can tell. But if you need a guide on the tells here are 2 short videos to fill you in. 1, 2.
Unfortunately in most backward societies. Like the USA. Dogmas have pushed its ideals on society. Most often in spite of our human nature. For example, laws are put forth for one reason but always encompass many perfectly victim-less circumstances. Which really isn’t illegal at all. But intentionally laws are not just written for only the victims. Take prostitution for example. Under the guise of protecting underage minors from abusive pedophilia or slavery. Witch, I am all for BTW. Laws are written with broad encompassing terms to ensure they ensnare as many situations as possible. Why? To keep those unconstitutional, illegal private prisons full. This process itself should be illegal. Why? Because it does create victims of these police state laws. Whatever state you are in, the USA. Just don’t equate any type of established currency to a sexual act. Code terms like roses, donation, tribute are just that. One unit of these code terms equals one unit of currency. If you are in the USA it is US Dollars and so on. So to be clear 120 roses = $120. 😉 But 120 roses means 120 roses if I’m going to engage. 😉
Just like the term Conspiracy Theorists once a credible term weaponized by the CIA is restoring itself back to its honorable term meaning an analytical thinker. Given the fact that so many conspiracies have turned out to be true or closest to the truth in recent history and most certainly the past. The word prostitution is also regaining its real meaning untethered to social judgement. It is just a convenience for the busy man or woman that is in line with our human nature. The modern male or female if they are not affected by Dogma brainwashing is OK with his true nature.
The act for a man to take cock up the ass and massage his prostates has been proven to be apart of our nature and many other species for that matter. So don’t be surprised when it feels so pleasurable. Another lie out there is that this act causes prostate cancer. We now know that condition lies mostly with the nitrates and sulfates in our food (namely processed dried meats, and most wines). Our sexual needs do not define us. But we realize we have these sexual needs and we address them, as adults should. Not doing so will progress to an unhealthy mental state.
In today’s USA, we are slaving away to stay out of debt or TRY to get ahead. And when you look at how locked down and rigged our society and the monitory system is. From an overview, we are realizing we are all slaves to it. But prostitution is alive and well for many reasons I’m not going to go into. But the main one, supply and demand of stress relief, and human touch. It’s nice to know you can find someone who knows how to make love to you, hold you, and talk in real terms that validate our true human nature. Whether we like it hard and rough or slow soft and affectionate. Good Male Escorts are in demand because they can accommodate a wide spectrum of needs.
If you are the kind of guy who wants to ease into a situation. Then I suggest a Masseur / Escort. With a Masseur Escort, you will most likely be given a Massage rate. But if sex is something you want after meeting him. Then the escort rate is usually double the 60 minutes / hourly rate. If you’re not sure and want the escort option. Ask him how many more roses/donations/tributes are advised. Masseurs usually work with routines. When it comes to the time of the encounter. You’ll know when that is. At this point, you will be given the option. Just don’t equate any legally established currency to a sexual act at least in the USA or at least before you and exchanged touching.
Not all men are cut out to be Escorts. But the ones who are, usually are very seductive. So if it is your fantasy to be a bottom. Be ready for such an encounter. Good sex is sex prepared for. Bottoms should clean 30 min before their encounter. Tops should bring protection.
Barebacking has become an issue. STDs are on the rise because of: Prep. However, you should be very aware Prep does not keep you safe from Others. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia. “Note I do not include the fake viruses”. All viruses are a lie. Not there yet? You will be if you start paying attention to independent news and not. Although these things can be cured with prompt treatment. The symptoms and abstinence are a damper of fun for a bit. Best to be safe. Put that raincoat on or the bottom should reach back and grab the base of that cock and confirm the lip the nipple there. ;D
- ct_afc_impressions: 4981
- toolstipssynonyms:
Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage
People who want to get a massage are often confused between the different modalities of massage. They will often ask for A Deep Tissue. But what they really mean to ask their therapist is “I want more or heavier pressure”. However, when you tell a massage therapist you want A Deep Tissue. You may be in for a surprise once your session starts. Deep can hurt and may make you feel sore days after. That is why the CMT is quick to ask “Are you sure you want a Deep Tissue”? You may know the differences, but it has been my experience that most do not until they have experienced both. But even after that, most tend to identify them as the same, when in fact, most massage modalities are unique. This is the case with Swedish and Deep Tissue Massages.
The Swedish massage involves five basic principles, which include: Giving long and smooth strokes; gentle kneading of the muscles; applying therapeutic friction; tapping, and providing constant vibration. The combination of these techniques ensures maximum circulation and relaxation to all surface muscles. Giving the Masseur the tools to customize a session according to the needs of the client. It is no wonder why Swedish is the most popular among clientèle and practitioners. Once the word got around of its undeniable therapeutic benefits. It established itself rather quickly.
The other very popular massage type is Deep Tissue. It targets three central muscular regions, namely: The neck area, the back, and also the fascia (connective tissues). The massage is called by this name because it is really intended to penetrate deeper into the underlying muscle layers. The massage is meant to carefully ease out all those strained muscles below the surface groups.
As well, many of the principles used for Deep Tissue Massage are also present in Swedish, but Deep Tissue is rather more forceful in nature. Moreover, this form of massage focuses on problem areas. This means that it targets the stiff muscle regions that are overly stressed, rather than working the whole segmented area. However, no matter how naturally intense this massage can be, it will not hurt as much as many people have come to believe. It may be the disturbing depth at which the therapist reaches under the layers within the body and the soreness afterward that may turn some away. However, don’t ignore this type of massage. Because the fact that it is very effective and has longer-lasting results is ideal for some. The results of deep tissue can last 4 to 5 weeks, whereas a Swedish will be only 2 or 3. Granted 2 or 3 my be all you need most of the time.
1. Swedish is a gentler and softer massage compared to the more intense and forceful deep tissue massage.
2. Swedish is best for those who have very sensitive skin types, that bear rashes easily, most especially when powerful friction and rubbing is applied.
3. Swedish is the massage of choice for those who are looking to relieve normal stress levels from work or home issues. But if you are not up for A Deep Tissue. Just ask for heavy pressure during your massage if you feel it is not as intense as you would like.
4. Deep Tissue is for those who are in chronic pain, were involved in any strenuous activities, or who are continually troubled by previous injuries. This technique is very effective and has longer-lasting results. It can be disturbingly deep and may leave you sore for 3 to 4 days after.
I myself get a Deep Tissue every six months. I personally find it very renewing to get broken down thoroughly.
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People who want to get a massage are often confused between the different modalities of massage. They will often ask for A Deep Tissue. But what they really mean to ask their therapist is “I want more or heavier pressure”. However, when you tell a massage therapist you want A Deep Tissue. You may be in for a surprise once your session starts. Deep can hurt and may make you feel sore days after. That is why the CMT is quick to ask “Are you sure you want a Deep Tissue”? You may know the differences, but it has been my experience that most do not until they have experienced both. But even after that, most tend to identify them as the same, when in fact, most massage modalities are unique. This is the case with Swedish and Deep Tissue Massages.
The Swedish massage involves five basic principles, which include: Giving long and smooth strokes; gentle kneading of the muscles; applying therapeutic friction; tapping, and providing constant vibration. The combination of these techniques ensures maximum circulation and relaxation to all surface muscles. Giving the Masseur the tools to customize a session according to the needs of the client. It is no wonder why Swedish is the most popular among clientèle and practitioners. Once the word got around of its undeniable therapeutic benefits. It established itself rather quickly.
The other very popular massage type is Deep Tissue. It targets three central muscular regions, namely: The neck area, the back, and also the fascia (connective tissues). The massage is called by this name because it is really intended to penetrate deeper into the underlying muscle layers. The massage is meant to carefully ease out all those strained muscles below the surface groups.
As well, many of the principles used for Deep Tissue Massage are also present in Swedish, but Deep Tissue is rather more forceful in nature. Moreover, this form of massage focuses on problem areas. This means that it targets the stiff muscle regions that are overly stressed, rather than working the whole segmented area. However, no matter how naturally intense this massage can be, it will not hurt as much as many people have come to believe. It may be the disturbing depth at which the therapist reaches under the layers within the body and the soreness afterward that may turn some away. However, don’t ignore this type of massage. Because the fact that it is very effective and has longer-lasting results is ideal for some. The results of deep tissue can last 4 to 5 weeks, whereas a Swedish will be only 2 or 3. Granted 2 or 3 my be all you need most of the time.
1. Swedish is a gentler and softer massage compared to the more intense and forceful deep tissue massage.
2. Swedish is best for those who have very sensitive skin types, that bear rashes easily, most especially when powerful friction and rubbing is applied.
3. Swedish is the massage of choice for those who are looking to relieve normal stress levels from work or home issues. But if you are not up for A Deep Tissue. Just ask for heavy pressure during your massage if you feel it is not as intense as you would like.
4. Deep Tissue is for those who are in chronic pain, were involved in any strenuous activities, or who are continually troubled by previous injuries. This technique is very effective and has longer-lasting results. It can be disturbingly deep and may leave you sore for 3 to 4 days after.I myself get a Deep Tissue every six months. I personally find it very renewing to get broken down thoroughly.
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The Gay Masseur
Even though some people are uncomfortable with receiving a rubdown from a gay massage therapist, it is easy to understand why so many are completely relaxed with it. Plenty of men (gay or straight) prefer going to a male masseur, whether the masseur is straight or not. Many men worry that they might become aroused during a session. And the woman may not understand that it is a physical reaction and not personally arousal toward her. Many women in the medical field know this about male anatomy. However, how they may react to it socially is based on them. Either way, most women in a clinical setting don’t want to deal with an embarrassing erection. It is for this reason that many men prefer to go to a professional fellow man. Even with a straight man, you may not run across a super straight uneducated type and he may think you are turned on by him.
Some straight men may be uncomfortable going to a gay massage therapist, but in the same token, many gay men may be uncomfortable getting a massage from a straight masseur. Many gay men turn to masseurs that are also homosexual, but they can be difficult to find since many massage businesses do not want to specialize but keep their bookings full by not addressing this male dilemma.
However, the benefits are worth doing a little detective work to find a place that they are comfortable with. Those who are straight can enjoy a rubdown without the stress of worrying about sexual contact. It is thought that when a straight man can get a good massage from another man it reduces feelings of insecurity and it can also increase self-esteem. There are some psychological benefits to good physical rubdowns!
Going to a gay massage therapist has its benefits to a gay man too because the element or fear of feeling ostracized or out of place disappears. The entire point of a massage is to completely relax, but this is very hard to do when you don’t feel like you fit in with the rest of the clientele at a place or even with the staff, for that matter. Knowing that you have nothing to fear with your specific masseur can really alleviate anxiety.
It is recommended that every man, no matter what his sexual orientation is able to experience the satisfaction of receiving a therapeutic rubdown from a straight or gay massage therapist in a nonjudgmental and socially positive atmosphere. Whether that means having a gay or straight man giving the massage, the choice should be up to the client. Thankfully these days there are many excellent resources on the Internet for finding a masseur in your area that will be able to cater to any of your needs with many different types of therapies and techniques, whether you choose a straight or a gay massage therapist.
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